By Jeff Dabbs
A combined effort of the Springville community to give food to local families in need at Christmas is going on now. As part of the Springville Kiwanis Club’s Sub-for-Santa food drive, food bags are being delivered by various Boy Scout troops in Springville, and residents should see one on their door soon. The food bags will be picked up on Saturday, Dec. 12, by the Boy Scouts. Nonperishable food items may also be dropped off at the Art Shop, 443 S. 200 East, Springville, on Dec. 12 from noon to 4 p.m.
The Springville Kiwanis Club has been organizing the food drive for many years in its community. Each year in mid-November, Nebo School District, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Bishops’ Storehouse and local community churches identify needy families in Springville. Volunteers from Springville High School label bags donated by Ream’s Market and Boy Scout troops deliver them to residents’ doors, hoping to find them filled with donated food when they return to pick them up. The food is then taken to the Art Shop where it is sorted and organized for delivery to needy families.
Doug Hamilton, president of the Springville Kiwanis Club, said the Sub-for-Santa food drive begins in the summer with the Kiwanis Scone Booth at Art City Days. The Scone Booth is the main fundraiser for the Sub-for-Santa food drive, and 100 percent of the money raised is spent in Springville for needy families.
Many corporate sponsors help out, but Ream’s Market in Springville has always gone above and beyond by donating many items like the food bags, water and snacks for the volunteers, and anything else the club might need. The Springville High School Key Club (90 members strong), the SHS Volleyball Team and the SHS D’Velles dance team provide volunteer workers. Without Springville High volunteer workers, the Kiwanians wouldn’t be able to make the Sub-for-Santa food drive happen.
Last year, 12,000 pounds of food was donated by residents. That filled 305 boxes of food, which were distributed to 256 families in need. Also, 596 Walmart gift cards valued at $25 each were given out to the children of these families. The food and gift cards are picked up by various church groups in Springville to be delivered to the needy families.
Brent Haymond, a member of Kiwanis, said, “Last year there was several heart-stopping events.” For example, one of our members happened to have a dark suit and tie on when he knocked on the door to deliver the food and gift cards to a needy family. When the door was opened, the father looked shocked and with concern in his eyes when he saw the man dressed in a dark suit. The Kiwanian said that he had food in the trunk of the car for him. He still couldn’t believe it. He was encouraged to come to the car. The trunk was opened and as he looked in and saw two boxes of food, he still was in shock. He then turned to the Kiwanian and said, ‘You have come just in time.’ The Kiwanian ask him how many children were in the house. He answered five, and then the Kiwanian handed him five gift cards.
Tears came to his eyes as he said, ‘Thank you, thank you.’”
There were other humbling events such as when six beautiful children, whose father had recently left the family, had lost their home the day before and a mother was trying to hold everything together. How grateful they were for the food and gift card.
“The reason I joined (the Kiwanis) is a chance to work to better our community. We need to keep Springville a good place by helping each other out,” Hamilton said. Anyone thinking about joining the Kiwanis can check out its website at Springville-kiwanis.org. The club also meets almost every week at Magleby’s for a noon lunch meeting.