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The Title VII Indian Education program knows how to celebrate the Native American graduates. These amazing graduates vary greatly. Their interests range from computers to discus throwing, and GPAs range from 2.4 to 3.98. Their college choices range from San Francisco University to Northern Arizona. Yet, all graduates share a common thread – these students have indigenous ancestry. Through their veins flow the blood of people who may have experienced the Trail of Tears, the Long Walk, Lewis and Clark, Leif Erickson, to living in long houses, wiki-ups, hogans and yes, even tipis.
Did you know that even though the vast majority of Native Americans live in the West, New York City boasts the largest American Indian population in a city? Los Angeles, Phoenix, Anchorage, and Albuquerque follow in population.
“As we worked with our seniors this year, their remarkable person came clearer into focus and our determination grew even stronger. It did not become enough to get them graduated, we needed to applaud their efforts, point out potential, and scaffold with encouragement, stated Brenda Beyal program specialist. “We needed to see each as they really are: Alakan Native, Lakota, Juaneno Mission Indian, Navajo, Potawatomi, musician, athlete, honor student, confident, struggling student, confused, hopeful, full of possibility. We realized, their parents realized, counselors realized and most importantly they realized – they were worth the effort. With that, our journey became easier, we joined with one another because they mattered and their education mattered.”
“Program managers Eileen Quintana and Brenda Beyal have put in countless hours to help each and every graduate on their way to success. Thank you for all you continue to do for Nebo students,” said, J. Lynn Jones.
Program manager, Eileen Quintana, said, “Nebo’s Title VII Indian Education with district administrators have worked together for years to support the academic and cultural needs of students. We have a beautiful classroom for after-school homework lab and have been able to provide Camp Eagle Summer School for 16 years. To close the gap in academic achievement, we provide these basic things to help families. We have a ‘place at the table’ within Nebo. Thank you – Nebo School District for your support!”
These Native American senior graduates include amazing athletes, beautiful dancers, inspiring writers, talented artists, gifted musicians, honor students, and aspiring leaders Nebo hopes these graduates are proud of their Native American lineage–Nebo is proud of you!