Nebo hosts first Elementary Keyboarding Championship

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r On April 13, hundreds of fourth- and fifth-grade students and their parents gathered at Spanish Fork High School for Nebo School District’s first-ever Elementary Keyboarding Championship. Students were selected to represent their schools in the championship based on their remarkable keyboarding skills.

After three rounds of competition, 14 fifth-grade students and 17 fourth-grade students were announced as winners of this year’s championship. The top keyboarder in the fifth grade keyed over 100 words per minute. The top fourth-grade keyboarder keyed over 90 words per minute.

Thanks to the generosity of Nebo Credit Union, a total of $800 was awarded to students. Each first-place winner was awarded a $100 gift card. Second-place winners received a $75 gift card, third-place winners received a $50 gift card, fourth-place winners received a $25 gift card, and places fifth through 16th received a $10 bill. Thanks go to Macey’s Grocery Store for providing water and snacks as well as Spanish Fork High School for allowing use of their computer labs and cafeteria for this great event.

Fifth-grade winners were: First, Francisca Hernandez; second, Kayla Huish; third, Aiden Atwood; fourth, Caleb Isom; fifth, Sean Chandler; sixth, Brycen Asay; seventh, Savannah Stinson; eighth, Nique Dixon; ninth, Sueisen Garcia; 10th, Jake Yoder; 11th, David Bartholomew; 12th, Kim Saili; 13th, Ashlyn Boyes; and 14th, Sam Whitaker.

Fourth-grade winners were: First, Britton Childs; second, Hannah Beecher; third, Ashton Beehre; fourth, Matthew Mellinger; fifth, Tyler Phelps; sixth, Mckenzie Cook; seventh, Eli Elder; eighth, Hailee Evans; ninth (tie), Paris Terry and Emily Gwilliam; 10th Mika Krommenhoek; 11th Kayden Labrum; 12th Noah Butler; 13th Maci Nielson; 14th Nathan Swinford; 15th Joren Rowley; and 16th, Victoria Liddle.

Nebo has a remarkable team of keyboarding teachers each of whom is responsible for four elementary schools. Each one helps every fourth-grade student and every fifth-grade student develop a keyboarding skill that will help him or her be efficient and effective in today’s technology-based society. Nebo’srkeyboarding specialists are Randy Bartholomew, Deb Bigler, Kim Clyde, Haley Hales, Patty Holt, Lorraine Tuttle and April Williams. Nebo uses its own keyboarding materials – which were developed to meet the specific needs of Nebo’s keyboarding programs – to help students develop their keyboarding skills.


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r On April 13, hundreds of fourth- and fifth-grade students and their parents gathered at Spanish Fork High School for Nebo School District’s first-ever Elementary Keyboarding Championship. Students were selected to represent their schools in the championship based on their remarkable keyboarding skills.

After three rounds of competition, 14 fifth-grade students and 17 fourth-grade students were announced as winners of this year’s championship. The top keyboarder in the fifth grade keyed over 100 words per minute. The top fourth-grade keyboarder keyed over 90 words per minute.

Thanks to the generosity of Nebo Credit Union, a total of $800 was awarded to students. Each first-place winner was awarded a $100 gift card. Second-place winners received a $75 gift card, third-place winners received a $50 gift card, fourth-place winners received a $25 gift card, and places fifth through 16th received a $10 bill. Thanks go to Macey’s Grocery Store for providing water and snacks as well as Spanish Fork High School for allowing use of their computer labs and cafeteria for this great event.

Fifth-grade winners were: First, Francisca Hernandez; second, Kayla Huish; third, Aiden Atwood; fourth, Caleb Isom; fifth, Sean Chandler; sixth, Brycen Asay; seventh, Savannah Stinson; eighth, Nique Dixon; ninth, Sueisen Garcia; 10th, Jake Yoder; 11th, David Bartholomew; 12th, Kim Saili; 13th, Ashlyn Boyes; and 14th, Sam Whitaker.

Fourth-grade winners were: First, Britton Childs; second, Hannah Beecher; third, Ashton Beehre; fourth, Matthew Mellinger; fifth, Tyler Phelps; sixth, Mckenzie Cook; seventh, Eli Elder; eighth, Hailee Evans; ninth (tie), Paris Terry and Emily Gwilliam; 10th Mika Krommenhoek; 11th Kayden Labrum; 12th Noah Butler; 13th Maci Nielson; 14th Nathan Swinford; 15th Joren Rowley; and 16th, Victoria Liddle.

Nebo has a remarkable team of keyboarding teachers each of whom is responsible for four elementary schools. Each one helps every fourth-grade student and every fifth-grade student develop a keyboarding skill that will help him or her be efficient and effective in today’s technology-based society. Nebo’srkeyboarding specialists are Randy Bartholomew, Deb Bigler, Kim Clyde, Haley Hales, Patty Holt, Lorraine Tuttle and April Williams. Nebo uses its own keyboarding materials – which were developed to meet the specific needs of Nebo’s keyboarding programs – to help students develop their keyboarding skills.


Chris Baird
Chris Baird
Chris is a family man with a beautiful wife and four kids. Three Girls, One Boy. He enjoys playing basketball, being outdoors, and the old normal.

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