Help finish the fight against cancer by joining the Nebo HOPE Run 5K and Family Fun Run on Saturday, Aug. 20.
A diagnosis of cancer is a life-changing event for patients, their families and all those who love them. The American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life takes that event and changes it again for the better by showing them they are not alone. Relay For Life is a global community working together to empower communities to celebrate the lives of people who have and are battling cancer, remember loved ones lost and fight back against the disease.
Each year, more than 3.5 million people in 5,000 communities in the United States, along with additional communities in 20 other countries, gather to take part in this global relay movement and raise much-needed funds and awareness to save lives from cancer. Since 1985, more than $4 billion has been raised through Relay For Life to support the American Cancer Society’s mission.
Nebo Relay For Life is southern Utah County’s community event where teams, family and friends come together to raise money to help finish the fight against cancer. In spite of the impressive accomplishments of the global movement, Relay For Life is a personal movement for every team and every participant in the relay.
“Nothing could fill the hole in our lives left by the loss of my father,” said Robert Moore, owner of Nebo Comfort Systems in Payson. “Relay For Life helped give us new meaning, new purpose and a new mission. We honor him by working to put an end to the disease that took him from us.”
Nebo HOPE Run is sponsored by Nebo Comfort Systems’ Nebo Cares Program. The run will be for families of all shapes and sizes, businesses, school teams, neighbors and friends.
The $20 registration fee includes a race T-shirt and much more. There is a Special Cancer Survivor registration with additional awards for participating survivors and a special racing division. Kids of all ages can join the event by participating in the 5K and the Fun Run.
Businesses can participate through the Nebo HOPE Run’s sponsorship program or by sponsoring a team of participants. All profits from the race will go to the American Cancer Society’s Nebo Relay For Life.
The Nebo HOPE Run 5K will start at 8 a.m. at the Spanish Fork Sports Park, 296 W. Volunteer Dr., Spanish Fork, by the main pavilion and travel along the beautiful Spanish Fork River Trail. The Family Fun Run will start at 10 a.m. and will also start at the main pavilion and go around the four main baseball diamonds.
“The Nebo HOPE Run will be a wonderful opportunity for families to celebrate life as we race to save lives,” said Lorene Moore, co-director of Nebo Cares.
Register your whole family for the Nebo HOPE Run at nebohoperun.org.
Those interested in being a business sponsor can contact Nebo Cares director Lorene Moore at lorene@nebocares.org or 801-465-2709 or Nebo Cares director Tyler Moore at tyler@nebocares.org or 801-400-1377.