r Harley riding history buff and popular TV personality Stan Ellsworth says that freedom “is the hope of every human heart and the birthright of every American.” He believes those of us who enjoy this great gift and common culture have a sacred obligation to remember and treasure our history.
The “American Ride” host is working on new projects to help give the next generation “a clear understanding of the great gift of liberty and the blessing that is theirs.” His new book, “Renegades and Rebels”, tells “true stories of the firebrands and philosophers of American Independence.” The book is available on Amazon.
Ellsworth said his desire to write this book stemmed from the way he’s seen “the founding generation being marginalized and denigrated” in the way history is being viewed and taught in schools today. “It concerns me,” he said.
Ellsworth said the revolutionary thing about the United States of America was that it was founded on an idea, not a location, culture or political figure. “No other nation was founded that way,” he said. “Thomas Jefferson said our rights were endowed by the creator, not the government. It’s a set of ideals and dream unique in history.”
Growing up in Manassas, Virginia, near an important civil war battlefield, Ellsworth always had a strong sense of American History and the role his ancestors played in the events that shaped our nation. “I want to instill that curiosity in every American’s heart,” he said.
Ellsworth finds that most people know only a fraction of the past events that have shaped our lives today. There is much more we could find out about our country and the area we live in.
Ellsworth said though Utah County locals may know a lot about the pioneers, many people don’t have a sense of the importance of the area to the fur trade. “The first white folks that got into the great basin were the hunters and trappers,” he said. “(John Jacob) Astor’s group had a fort on the western shores of Utah Lake.” The maps and writings that came from the traders were used by the pioneers as a foundation for their exploration and settlement.
In addition to “American Ride” his popular television show on BYUTV, Ellsworth has created a radio program “History, Harleys and the Highway”. The 2-hour radio show is about historical events that have modern-day relevance. It’s about the men and women who have stood out and made a difference. The show has guests that range from authors, philosophers and celebrities. Listen for free on Soundcloud.com.
Another project is a YouTube series he’s partnered with Utah County’s Timp Harley to create. It is called, “History and the Highway – Roads and Rides”.