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r By Shannon M. Acor
Kyleigh Richards, Luke Elder and Megan Rawle received October’s Mayor Youth Recognition Award at Tuesday’s City Council Meeting in Springville. All three students were nominated for the award by their teachers at Art City and Brookside Elementary.
Kyleigh, Luke and Megan were recognized for being hard working, kind to others and having positive attitudes in all they do. What great examples they are to us all. If you see them and their families please offer a big congratulations! To nominate an outstanding student in Springville visit: www.springville.org/mayoraward or call 801-491-7823.
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r By Shannon M. Acor
Kyleigh Richards, Luke Elder and Megan Rawle received October’s Mayor Youth Recognition Award at Tuesday’s City Council Meeting in Springville. All three students were nominated for the award by their teachers at Art City and Brookside Elementary.
Kyleigh, Luke and Megan were recognized for being hard working, kind to others and having positive attitudes in all they do. What great examples they are to us all. If you see them and their families please offer a big congratulations! To nominate an outstanding student in Springville visit: www.springville.org/mayoraward or call 801-491-7823.