Nebo Education Foundation Gives Additional Grants October 2018

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Nebo Education Foundation board members meet each month to review and award grant requests, consider fund-raising avenues, and other items that advance the educational opportunities for Nebo School District students. The Nebo Education Foundation functions through generous donations made by individuals and businesses.



Congratulations to the following teachers that continue to make a difference in the lives of students.



Mt. Nebo Junior – Ben Marziale


“Thank you so much to the Nebo Foundation for the generous grant of $1,599 to Mt. Nebo Junior High School boys and girls P.E. and body conditioning classes. At the beginning of this school year, I was looking for a way to add something new and exciting for our students at Mt Nebo. When looking into options that might create the kind of experience I was looking for, I determined that battle ropes would be a fantastic option to motivate and challenge a variety of students. All grades, boys and girls have been benefiting from working hard and enjoying something new and innovative. The Nebo Foundation really came through for Mt Nebo and our students, without their generous grant we would have had a hard time finding this new and exciting experience for our students. Thank you very much!” stated Ben Marziale, physical education teacher at Mt. Nebo Junior.



Santaquin Elementary – Melanie Miller


“Thank you so much for awarding me this grant! I have been looking for ways that I can incorporate Social Studies with Writing and Reading and this grant will help me do so. I needed more resources about the content I was teaching in Social Studies to benefit their literacy and this money will help purchase those necessary materials. My students and I are so excited that we were selected and are so grateful for your generosity. I now feel like I am prepared to teach reading, writing and social studies in a more integrated and fluid manner. Thank you so much!” exclaimed Melanie Miller, fifth-grade teacher at Santaquin Elementary.



Goshen Elementary – Kelsee Castro


“I am very grateful for the grant received. With this funding I will be able to better supply my classroom library with books geared to the levels of my students. These books will not only benefit the students of my class this year, it will also benefit my students in the many years to come. I am very appreciative to those on the Nebo Education Foundation; through their time and donation, it shows to me that they are just as invested in the success of my students as I am. Thank you!” exclaimed Kelsee Castro, first-grade teacher at Goshen Elementary.



Orchard Hills Elementary – Stephanie Wood, Sandy Olson, Jamie Call


“We are SO excited to be the recipients of the Nebo Education Foundation grant!  We will be able to give our awesome sixth graders the opportunity to use scientific and engineering hands-on experiences that involve a natural ecosystem in our are, the beautiful Salem Pond! Our students will use scientific processes to analyze the ecosystem around Salem Pond. Our students will analyze the pH level of the water to determine the health of plant and animal life, use binoculars to look at birds, and gather and analyze microorganisms.  Thank you so much for helping our 6th graders to have this experience!” exclaimed the sixth-grade teacher team, Jamie Call, Sandy Olson, and  Stephanie Wood, at Orchard Hills Elementary.



Payson High – Aubrie Grass


“This grant was used to help purchase reading books for PHS’s English classes. With these books, we teach students about dealing with difficult challenges, working together in teams, and seeing something from another person’s perspective. We also practice different reading skills such as understanding difficult words and looking for themes. This grant means so much to me and the whole English department because it allows us to better reach these goals and gives student more choice in reading a book that they will personally be able to make connections to,” said Aubrie Grass, English teacher at Payson High.



Wilson Elementary – Celeste Fisher & Tiffany Cook


“The Nebo Education Foundation just awarded a $1,000 grant towards ten new Chromebooks to our Third Grade students at Wilson Elementary in Payson, Utah. We are so grateful for the opportunity to have these Chromebooks in our classrooms and would like to thank the Nebo Education Foundation. The Chromebooks will allow us to let the students have access to valuable programs such as Reflexmath, and Pearson SuccessMaker Language Arts and Math.  They will also allow us to use state programs like Utah Compose for writing. These Chromebooks will be used on a daily basis for many years and will be a great asset providing individualized instruction to each student. We know that the education of each child in Nebo School District is the top priority of the Nebo Education Foundation. We are so grateful to them for awarding us this grant!” exclaimed Celeste Fisher & Tiffany Cook, third-grade teachers at Wilson Elementary.



Wilson Elementary – Alison Snow


“As you could tell, by my sheer excitement when you came into my classroom, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the generous donation that was given to my class for 10 Chromebooks! I was shaking and nearly crying when I found out, and I cannot keep from smiling when thinking of what a difference it will make in my classroom.  I currently have several online programs that will strengthen and enrich the learning of students through ALL of the curriculum. The students have shared time with the resources that are available, but this will make a marked difference. The kids all cheered in the class when they found out, and they haven’t stopped talking about it since you left. I hope I can convey what a blessing this is and how this will allow more access within the classroom for greater opportunities to learn. This is so important because many students in my class have no access to computers within the walls of their own homes, making it even more important to expose them to opportunities to use them at school.



A million thanks,” stated Mrs. Alison Snow and her very grateful fifth-grade class at Wilson Elementary.




Lynn Hansen – Apple Elementary



“As the speech therapist at a brand new school, this grant is amazing! I am now able to purchase speech materials used for students in preschool through sixth grade. I am so appreciative for a community that strives to improve student learning and success by providing much-needed funds for purchasing of materials. Thank you all for being dedicated to student achievement,” said Lynn Hansen, speech specialist at Apple Elementary.



Goshen Elementary – Lauren Long


“My sixth-grade class is so appreciative of the grant. With the $200 from the Nebo Education Foundation, I was able to purchase books for our classroom library.  As a first year teacher, I had no books in my classroom to start the year. I started building my classroom library with older books handed down by other teachers, but because of the generosity of the Nebo Education Foundation, my students are able to have new books to enjoy.  Thank you!” exclaimed Lauren Long, sixth-grade teacher at Goshen Elementary.



Wilson Elementary – Karen Hanson 


“I am so excited and appreciative to the Nebo Foundation for the generous technology grant to purchase more Chromebooks for the classroom.  Chromebooks will be used every day to enhance the learning of fourth-grade students, not only this year but for years to come.  We will use them as we study about Utah in both social studies and science, master multiplication and division facts, improve reading, differentiate math concepts, and complete writing projects. Thanks again for your kindness and for all you do to support the students and teachers of Nebo School District,” said Karen Hanson, fourth-grade teacher at Wilson Elementary.



Orchard Hills Elementary – Clay Craig


“Thank you for rewarding me with the Nebo Education Foundation Grant. I will purchase several class sets of books with the 225.00 I was awarded and matching funds from my principal. I have found that student’s reading excels when they are introduced to rich text. Their comprehension improves, they read more fluently, and they find out that there are amazing books to read. My students love when we are sharing such amazing books together,” said Clay Craig, third-grade teacher at Orchard Hills,” said Clay Craig, third-grade teacher at Orchard Hills Elementary.


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Nebo Education Foundation board members meet each month to review and award grant requests, consider fund-raising avenues, and other items that advance the educational opportunities for Nebo School District students. The Nebo Education Foundation functions through generous donations made by individuals and businesses.



Congratulations to the following teachers that continue to make a difference in the lives of students.



Mt. Nebo Junior – Ben Marziale


“Thank you so much to the Nebo Foundation for the generous grant of $1,599 to Mt. Nebo Junior High School boys and girls P.E. and body conditioning classes. At the beginning of this school year, I was looking for a way to add something new and exciting for our students at Mt Nebo. When looking into options that might create the kind of experience I was looking for, I determined that battle ropes would be a fantastic option to motivate and challenge a variety of students. All grades, boys and girls have been benefiting from working hard and enjoying something new and innovative. The Nebo Foundation really came through for Mt Nebo and our students, without their generous grant we would have had a hard time finding this new and exciting experience for our students. Thank you very much!” stated Ben Marziale, physical education teacher at Mt. Nebo Junior.



Santaquin Elementary – Melanie Miller


“Thank you so much for awarding me this grant! I have been looking for ways that I can incorporate Social Studies with Writing and Reading and this grant will help me do so. I needed more resources about the content I was teaching in Social Studies to benefit their literacy and this money will help purchase those necessary materials. My students and I are so excited that we were selected and are so grateful for your generosity. I now feel like I am prepared to teach reading, writing and social studies in a more integrated and fluid manner. Thank you so much!” exclaimed Melanie Miller, fifth-grade teacher at Santaquin Elementary.



Goshen Elementary – Kelsee Castro


“I am very grateful for the grant received. With this funding I will be able to better supply my classroom library with books geared to the levels of my students. These books will not only benefit the students of my class this year, it will also benefit my students in the many years to come. I am very appreciative to those on the Nebo Education Foundation; through their time and donation, it shows to me that they are just as invested in the success of my students as I am. Thank you!” exclaimed Kelsee Castro, first-grade teacher at Goshen Elementary.



Orchard Hills Elementary – Stephanie Wood, Sandy Olson, Jamie Call


“We are SO excited to be the recipients of the Nebo Education Foundation grant!  We will be able to give our awesome sixth graders the opportunity to use scientific and engineering hands-on experiences that involve a natural ecosystem in our are, the beautiful Salem Pond! Our students will use scientific processes to analyze the ecosystem around Salem Pond. Our students will analyze the pH level of the water to determine the health of plant and animal life, use binoculars to look at birds, and gather and analyze microorganisms.  Thank you so much for helping our 6th graders to have this experience!” exclaimed the sixth-grade teacher team, Jamie Call, Sandy Olson, and  Stephanie Wood, at Orchard Hills Elementary.



Payson High – Aubrie Grass


“This grant was used to help purchase reading books for PHS’s English classes. With these books, we teach students about dealing with difficult challenges, working together in teams, and seeing something from another person’s perspective. We also practice different reading skills such as understanding difficult words and looking for themes. This grant means so much to me and the whole English department because it allows us to better reach these goals and gives student more choice in reading a book that they will personally be able to make connections to,” said Aubrie Grass, English teacher at Payson High.



Wilson Elementary – Celeste Fisher & Tiffany Cook


“The Nebo Education Foundation just awarded a $1,000 grant towards ten new Chromebooks to our Third Grade students at Wilson Elementary in Payson, Utah. We are so grateful for the opportunity to have these Chromebooks in our classrooms and would like to thank the Nebo Education Foundation. The Chromebooks will allow us to let the students have access to valuable programs such as Reflexmath, and Pearson SuccessMaker Language Arts and Math.  They will also allow us to use state programs like Utah Compose for writing. These Chromebooks will be used on a daily basis for many years and will be a great asset providing individualized instruction to each student. We know that the education of each child in Nebo School District is the top priority of the Nebo Education Foundation. We are so grateful to them for awarding us this grant!” exclaimed Celeste Fisher & Tiffany Cook, third-grade teachers at Wilson Elementary.



Wilson Elementary – Alison Snow


“As you could tell, by my sheer excitement when you came into my classroom, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the generous donation that was given to my class for 10 Chromebooks! I was shaking and nearly crying when I found out, and I cannot keep from smiling when thinking of what a difference it will make in my classroom.  I currently have several online programs that will strengthen and enrich the learning of students through ALL of the curriculum. The students have shared time with the resources that are available, but this will make a marked difference. The kids all cheered in the class when they found out, and they haven’t stopped talking about it since you left. I hope I can convey what a blessing this is and how this will allow more access within the classroom for greater opportunities to learn. This is so important because many students in my class have no access to computers within the walls of their own homes, making it even more important to expose them to opportunities to use them at school.



A million thanks,” stated Mrs. Alison Snow and her very grateful fifth-grade class at Wilson Elementary.




Lynn Hansen – Apple Elementary



“As the speech therapist at a brand new school, this grant is amazing! I am now able to purchase speech materials used for students in preschool through sixth grade. I am so appreciative for a community that strives to improve student learning and success by providing much-needed funds for purchasing of materials. Thank you all for being dedicated to student achievement,” said Lynn Hansen, speech specialist at Apple Elementary.



Goshen Elementary – Lauren Long


“My sixth-grade class is so appreciative of the grant. With the $200 from the Nebo Education Foundation, I was able to purchase books for our classroom library.  As a first year teacher, I had no books in my classroom to start the year. I started building my classroom library with older books handed down by other teachers, but because of the generosity of the Nebo Education Foundation, my students are able to have new books to enjoy.  Thank you!” exclaimed Lauren Long, sixth-grade teacher at Goshen Elementary.



Wilson Elementary – Karen Hanson 


“I am so excited and appreciative to the Nebo Foundation for the generous technology grant to purchase more Chromebooks for the classroom.  Chromebooks will be used every day to enhance the learning of fourth-grade students, not only this year but for years to come.  We will use them as we study about Utah in both social studies and science, master multiplication and division facts, improve reading, differentiate math concepts, and complete writing projects. Thanks again for your kindness and for all you do to support the students and teachers of Nebo School District,” said Karen Hanson, fourth-grade teacher at Wilson Elementary.



Orchard Hills Elementary – Clay Craig


“Thank you for rewarding me with the Nebo Education Foundation Grant. I will purchase several class sets of books with the 225.00 I was awarded and matching funds from my principal. I have found that student’s reading excels when they are introduced to rich text. Their comprehension improves, they read more fluently, and they find out that there are amazing books to read. My students love when we are sharing such amazing books together,” said Clay Craig, third-grade teacher at Orchard Hills,” said Clay Craig, third-grade teacher at Orchard Hills Elementary.


Chris Baird
Chris Baird
Chris is a family man with a beautiful wife and four kids. Three Girls, One Boy. He enjoys playing basketball, being outdoors, and the old normal.

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