The Story of the Christmas Carol

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r The American Christmas tradition is English, although we don’t see much plum pudding these days nor do we feast on suckling pig with an apple in its mouth nor a fat baked goose, spiced wine or a Yorkshire pudding, which is a pastry-like cholesterol bomb. When the Christmas season is upon us, we think winter thoughts. Christmas is winter and snow and mittens and scarves. Always was. Always will be.

Christmas celebrates the birth, in Bethlehem, of a humble carpenter who heralded the age of redemption and forgiveness for all.

Not by chance do we celebrate the Savior’s birth during the season of the winter solstice. We celebrate during the dreariest days and the longest and coldest nights of the year when we most need companionship and assurance that winter can’t last forever. Oh no…. it certainly can’t. Never has, never will. The cold-country-people huddled and cuddled, built a great fire and sang songs of hope and promise. Carols – Christmas Carols.

The Angelus Theatre at 165 N Main, Spanish Fork, proudly presents “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. Theater doors open at 7:00 and the performance begins at 7:30 pm, Monday, Friday and Saturday, November 30 through December 22. The play is directed by Mark Shipley, who states that in 30 years of directing, this is his favorite play, and Angela Adamson Shipley is the Assistant Director. Casey Lee stars as Mr. Scrooge and his brother, Gabe Lee, portrays Bob Cratchit. David Baggely, Dave Chapa, Arabelle Chapa, Tannie Hjorth, Zach Hjorth, Samantha Hjorth, Jordyn Hjorth, and Ella Hjorth are all returning players. New to the cast are Ben Wheeler, Logan Wheeler, Rachel Christensen, Michael Roberts, Ellie Hall, Tade Guppmayer, Anabelle Lee, Chelsie Hawkes, and Autumn Redd.

Tickets can be purchased online at Adults $12, students and senior citizens $10, and on Monday a family of six can purchase a ticket for $35.

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r The American Christmas tradition is English, although we don’t see much plum pudding these days nor do we feast on suckling pig with an apple in its mouth nor a fat baked goose, spiced wine or a Yorkshire pudding, which is a pastry-like cholesterol bomb. When the Christmas season is upon us, we think winter thoughts. Christmas is winter and snow and mittens and scarves. Always was. Always will be.

Christmas celebrates the birth, in Bethlehem, of a humble carpenter who heralded the age of redemption and forgiveness for all.

Not by chance do we celebrate the Savior’s birth during the season of the winter solstice. We celebrate during the dreariest days and the longest and coldest nights of the year when we most need companionship and assurance that winter can’t last forever. Oh no…. it certainly can’t. Never has, never will. The cold-country-people huddled and cuddled, built a great fire and sang songs of hope and promise. Carols – Christmas Carols.

The Angelus Theatre at 165 N Main, Spanish Fork, proudly presents “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. Theater doors open at 7:00 and the performance begins at 7:30 pm, Monday, Friday and Saturday, November 30 through December 22. The play is directed by Mark Shipley, who states that in 30 years of directing, this is his favorite play, and Angela Adamson Shipley is the Assistant Director. Casey Lee stars as Mr. Scrooge and his brother, Gabe Lee, portrays Bob Cratchit. David Baggely, Dave Chapa, Arabelle Chapa, Tannie Hjorth, Zach Hjorth, Samantha Hjorth, Jordyn Hjorth, and Ella Hjorth are all returning players. New to the cast are Ben Wheeler, Logan Wheeler, Rachel Christensen, Michael Roberts, Ellie Hall, Tade Guppmayer, Anabelle Lee, Chelsie Hawkes, and Autumn Redd.

Tickets can be purchased online at Adults $12, students and senior citizens $10, and on Monday a family of six can purchase a ticket for $35.

Chris Baird
Chris Baird
Chris is a family man with a beautiful wife and four kids. Three Girls, One Boy. He enjoys playing basketball, being outdoors, and the old normal.

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