r By Carol BarkerrOn Wednesday, March 20, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Community Action Services and Food Bank will be holding its second kNOw Poverty Summit and Simulation.
It will be held at the Provo Library in the Grand Ballroom, 550 N University Ave, Provo. Parking is free in the underground parking lot accessible on the east side of the building.
The Poverty Simulation is a hands-on mini-view of the barriers low-income individuals and families face on a daily basis A simple role play will demonstrate some of the frustrations low-income families have to deal with as they “jump through the hoops” of compliance.
The purpose of the kNOw Poverty Summit/discussion panel is to promote more awareness of the poverty concerns in our community and understand what resources are available – who the key people are and how to access them. By increasing our understanding of the low-income population and the barriers they face in getting out of poverty, we hope to inspire local awareness to assist in giving them the tools needed to effect a permanent change in their life.
The Bridges Out of Poverty workshop is a short version of re-thinking our views on what poverty is; what the causes are; and what life can be like for those in poverty.
Contact Carol Barker at cbarker@communityactionuc.org with any questions.rRegister at eventbrite.com. One registration per person. Groups should register individually. Volunteers are also needed. Sign up here.
The agenda:r9:30-11:45 Poverty Simulationr11:45- 12:00 Box lunch will be available for $5.00r12:00 – 1:15 Discussion panel with main services helping the low-income population; what some key ones are; how to access them.r1:15 – 3:00 Bridges Out of Poverty Workshop.
There is no charge for the event (excepting lunch). Any or all of the event may be attended, Registration is required for the Poverty Simulation.