kNOw Poverty Summit

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r By Carol BarkerrOn Wednesday, March 20, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Community Action Services and Food Bank will be holding its second kNOw Poverty Summit and Simulation.

It will be held at the Provo Library in the Grand Ballroom, 550 N University Ave, Provo. Parking is free in the underground parking lot accessible on the east side of the building.

The Poverty Simulation is a hands-on mini-view of the barriers low-income individuals and families face on a daily basis A simple role play will demonstrate some of the frustrations low-income families have to deal with as they “jump through the hoops” of compliance.

The purpose of the kNOw Poverty Summit/discussion panel is to promote more awareness of the poverty concerns in our community and understand what resources are available – who the key people are and how to access them. By increasing our understanding of the low-income population and the barriers they face in getting out of poverty, we hope to inspire local awareness to assist in giving them the tools needed to effect a permanent change in their life.

The Bridges Out of Poverty workshop is a short version of re-thinking our views on what poverty is; what the causes are; and what life can be like for those in poverty.

Contact Carol Barker at with any questions.rRegister at One registration per person. Groups should register individually. Volunteers are also needed. Sign up here.

The agenda:r9:30-11:45 Poverty Simulationr11:45- 12:00 Box lunch will be available for $5.00r12:00 – 1:15 Discussion panel with main services helping the low-income population; what some key ones are; how to access them.r1:15 – 3:00 Bridges Out of Poverty Workshop.

There is no charge for the event (excepting lunch). Any or all of the event may be attended, Registration is required for the Poverty Simulation.

Chris Baird
Chris Baird
Chris is a family man with a beautiful wife and four kids. Three Girls, One Boy. He enjoys playing basketball, being outdoors, and the old normal.

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