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r By Julie Hall for My Story Matters
The power we are introducing into our story for the month of April is the Power to Create. It is my belief that as humans we are hard-wired to create. Every person on earth has the power to create something. It does not matter where we come from, what we look like, or what talents we may or may not possess. We can all create.
I believe our greatest creation should be ourselves. Through our My Hero Journey curriculum, we are helping students to look inward first. Students are encouraged to create their own path, by discovering who they are first. The lesson helps them by exploring what they love to do, their favorites and what talents they may have. They also explore what interests, hobbies and talents they would like to learn more about and incorporate into their lives. Creating our own path is much easier when we know what we love and what talents are already ours. When we know these things about ourselves we gain a better understanding of how we see the world and what is beautiful to us as individuals. We can then begin to create a path that is true to who we are.
The lesson then helps the student understand that feelings are an important part of our existence and that it is ok to feel. They are asked questions about sadness and happiness: why and when they feel each emotion. Through activities, the lesson helps the students discover that they are in control of how they process and deal with emotions and that they are in control of the outcome.
Now the students are equipped with the tools of knowing what they love and what are their talents are and that emotions are ok and they are in control of the outcome; they can create a path for themselves. A path that may look different than anyone around them and may move a different direction, be smooth or rough, long or short. It is the path that is right for them.
So, a challenge during April, take a look at your own story and find ways that you can use the “Power to Create.” Use talents that you already have or explore and discover different talents and hobbies and create something you never thought possible.
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r By Julie Hall for My Story Matters
The power we are introducing into our story for the month of April is the Power to Create. It is my belief that as humans we are hard-wired to create. Every person on earth has the power to create something. It does not matter where we come from, what we look like, or what talents we may or may not possess. We can all create.
I believe our greatest creation should be ourselves. Through our My Hero Journey curriculum, we are helping students to look inward first. Students are encouraged to create their own path, by discovering who they are first. The lesson helps them by exploring what they love to do, their favorites and what talents they may have. They also explore what interests, hobbies and talents they would like to learn more about and incorporate into their lives. Creating our own path is much easier when we know what we love and what talents are already ours. When we know these things about ourselves we gain a better understanding of how we see the world and what is beautiful to us as individuals. We can then begin to create a path that is true to who we are.
The lesson then helps the student understand that feelings are an important part of our existence and that it is ok to feel. They are asked questions about sadness and happiness: why and when they feel each emotion. Through activities, the lesson helps the students discover that they are in control of how they process and deal with emotions and that they are in control of the outcome.
Now the students are equipped with the tools of knowing what they love and what are their talents are and that emotions are ok and they are in control of the outcome; they can create a path for themselves. A path that may look different than anyone around them and may move a different direction, be smooth or rough, long or short. It is the path that is right for them.
So, a challenge during April, take a look at your own story and find ways that you can use the “Power to Create.” Use talents that you already have or explore and discover different talents and hobbies and create something you never thought possible.