r By LaRon Taylor
The Mt. Nebo Chapter of the Sons of Utah Pioneers brought spouses and friends to a wonderful dinner and lecture on March 28.
Stephen B. Shaffer is the author of 7 or more books on Pre-Utah History and has a BS in Archeology and an MS in Education. He gave an interesting presentation on his studies of ancient Pre-Utah History.
In particular, he has researched the Ute & Paiute Indians and the Spanish prospectors. In his over 50 years of research, he has researched their legends & symbols. He told us that he has been involved in finding or associated with those finding sealed stone boxes containing metal tablets with ancient languages written on them. He also talked about the many petroglyphs and the possible meaning of some of them. The group was riveted throughout the presentation.
Our Chapter is always happy to welcome new members. We meet monthly with our wives to enjoy a wonderful dinner meeting and guest speaker. If you are interested, please contact Dan Howlett at (801) 224-5885.