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We need your help! Tabitha’s Way needs 20 volunteers this Saturday, May 11, to receive help intake donations. The volunteers are needed to help at the American Fork Post Office to receive food donations for the annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive.
For more info, visit SignUpGenius with this link, https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A084EACA723A2FD0-20volunteers, or contact Mariels Pastrana, Spanish Fork Pantry Supervisor, at 801-709-8573 or mariela@tabithasway.org.
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We need your help! Tabitha’s Way needs 20 volunteers this Saturday, May 11, to receive help intake donations. The volunteers are needed to help at the American Fork Post Office to receive food donations for the annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive.
For more info, visit SignUpGenius with this link, https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A084EACA723A2FD0-20volunteers, or contact Mariels Pastrana, Spanish Fork Pantry Supervisor, at 801-709-8573 or mariela@tabithasway.org.