The idea of bringing students with special educational needs from throughout the Nebo School District to Maple Mountain High School to be buddied-up with student-athletes belongs to Coach David Boyack. It was ten years ago this year he proposed this annual track meet and in association with the Special Education Department, he is responsible for planning the event. The event includes 50, 100, 200, and 400-meter races; a 400-meter wheelchair race, long jump, high jump, and a softball throw. Every Special Needs student receives a medal for their abilities and efforts. The event is held the first Thursday in May every year.
Chloe Stucki assisted by a technician. Photo: Ed Helmick
This year’s event brought 280 Special Needs students to the track meet. That is 7 busloads of students. Each Special Needs student is paired with one of 280 high school “buddies” to assist them with the various events. In addition, several parents were also on the field to witness the events their kids are involved in. Despite the wettest spring in many years the weather for this year’s event was perfect. The event is called the Super Stars Track and Field Day, and there are many stars at this event. It is about young people with mental and physical challenges experiencing achievement in things they don’t usually get to do. It is the excitement and smiles that we see from these young people thrilled with accomplishing simple things in a big world. The athlete and general education students at Maple Mountain High Schools are also stars in their efforts to assist the special education students in dealing with their capabilities and challenges. Remarkable bonding effort was seen between the buddy mentors and the special ed students. That was a rewarding by-product of the Super Stars Track Meet that will remain with everyone for years. David Boyack, who is now MMHS Athletic Director is also a star to be recognized and appreciated for originating and organizing the Super Stars Track Meet for the past 10 years.
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The idea of bringing students with special educational needs from throughout the Nebo School District to Maple Mountain High School to be buddied-up with student-athletes belongs to Coach David Boyack. It was ten years ago this year he proposed this annual track meet and in association with the Special Education Department, he is responsible for planning the event. The event includes 50, 100, 200, and 400-meter races; a 400-meter wheelchair race, long jump, high jump, and a softball throw. Every Special Needs student receives a medal for their abilities and efforts. The event is held the first Thursday in May every year.
Chloe Stucki assisted by a technician. Photo: Ed Helmick
This year’s event brought 280 Special Needs students to the track meet. That is 7 busloads of students. Each Special Needs student is paired with one of 280 high school “buddies” to assist them with the various events. In addition, several parents were also on the field to witness the events their kids are involved in. Despite the wettest spring in many years the weather for this year’s event was perfect. The event is called the Super Stars Track and Field Day, and there are many stars at this event. It is about young people with mental and physical challenges experiencing achievement in things they don’t usually get to do. It is the excitement and smiles that we see from these young people thrilled with accomplishing simple things in a big world. The athlete and general education students at Maple Mountain High Schools are also stars in their efforts to assist the special education students in dealing with their capabilities and challenges. Remarkable bonding effort was seen between the buddy mentors and the special ed students. That was a rewarding by-product of the Super Stars Track Meet that will remain with everyone for years. David Boyack, who is now MMHS Athletic Director is also a star to be recognized and appreciated for originating and organizing the Super Stars Track Meet for the past 10 years.