Grant paves the way for construction of Olympic style bunker trap

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The Utah ScholasticbrClay Target Program has been awarded a grant of $75,000 from Larry and BrendabrPotterfield, founders and owners of MidwayUSA.


These grant fundsbrwill be used to build Utah’s first Olympic-style international bunker trap.brUTYESS has partnered with Wasatch Wing and Clay of Cedar Fort, for thebrconstruction of this project. Wasatch Wing and Clay is centrally located tobrmost of the youth participating in the UTYESS program. The new facility willbrhelp promote youth shooting sports statewide.


“This is a hugebraddition to UTYESS and Wasatch Wing and Clay,” said Brian Beard, President ofbrUTYESS. “Bunker trap is something that is not currently offered anywhere inbrUtah. There are several USAYESS events that the athletes shoot internationalbrbunker trap in, that Utah’s athletes have a disadvantage in simply from havingbrno experience in bunker trap. It is also almost impossible for most of Utah’sbryouth shotgun shooters to qualify for Olympic and Junior Olympic events simplybrbecause there hasn’t been a facility in Utah for them to learn on.”


Beau Thomas ofbrWasatch Wing and Clay and an avid Bunker Trap athlete explains, “The closestbrbunker trap is in Montana at about eight and a half hours away, and the OlympicbrTraining Center is eight hours and fifty minutes away in Colorado.”


Utah has manybrfantastic facilities for American Trap and Skeet. The International and Olympicbrgames, however, are a whole new experience.


In American Trap youbrhave one relatively small trap house with one oscillating machine throwingbrtargets at 45 mph.


In Bunker Trap youbrhave a large trench bunker that houses 15 machines, three directly in front ofbreach of the five shooting posts, which throws targets at 68 mph. Bunker Trapbrtargets are also thrown at wider angles, up to 45 degrees, and are also thrownbrhigher or lower elevations than American Trap targets.


“We strive to provide and place where youth can come and enjoy abrsafe shooting environment,” said Weston Berry, Wasatch Wing and Clay ClubbrManager. “We understand the importance of youth and shooting sports as itbrpertains to our future as a business and country.”

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The Utah ScholasticbrClay Target Program has been awarded a grant of $75,000 from Larry and BrendabrPotterfield, founders and owners of MidwayUSA.


These grant fundsbrwill be used to build Utah’s first Olympic-style international bunker trap.brUTYESS has partnered with Wasatch Wing and Clay of Cedar Fort, for thebrconstruction of this project. Wasatch Wing and Clay is centrally located tobrmost of the youth participating in the UTYESS program. The new facility willbrhelp promote youth shooting sports statewide.


“This is a hugebraddition to UTYESS and Wasatch Wing and Clay,” said Brian Beard, President ofbrUTYESS. “Bunker trap is something that is not currently offered anywhere inbrUtah. There are several USAYESS events that the athletes shoot internationalbrbunker trap in, that Utah’s athletes have a disadvantage in simply from havingbrno experience in bunker trap. It is also almost impossible for most of Utah’sbryouth shotgun shooters to qualify for Olympic and Junior Olympic events simplybrbecause there hasn’t been a facility in Utah for them to learn on.”


Beau Thomas ofbrWasatch Wing and Clay and an avid Bunker Trap athlete explains, “The closestbrbunker trap is in Montana at about eight and a half hours away, and the OlympicbrTraining Center is eight hours and fifty minutes away in Colorado.”


Utah has manybrfantastic facilities for American Trap and Skeet. The International and Olympicbrgames, however, are a whole new experience.


In American Trap youbrhave one relatively small trap house with one oscillating machine throwingbrtargets at 45 mph.


In Bunker Trap youbrhave a large trench bunker that houses 15 machines, three directly in front ofbreach of the five shooting posts, which throws targets at 68 mph. Bunker Trapbrtargets are also thrown at wider angles, up to 45 degrees, and are also thrownbrhigher or lower elevations than American Trap targets.


“We strive to provide and place where youth can come and enjoy abrsafe shooting environment,” said Weston Berry, Wasatch Wing and Clay ClubbrManager. “We understand the importance of youth and shooting sports as itbrpertains to our future as a business and country.”

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