A few years ago,brEmily Burraston of Spanish Fork made decorated sugar cookies for a baby shower.brThat was the catalyst for a chain of events that eventually led to The CookiebrCrave, a specialty cookie shop on Main Street in Spanish Fork, which she andbrher husband, Ryan, own and operate.
Those baby showerbrcookies, precisely detailed and artistic, were a huge hit,and one of thebrattendees asked her to make cookies for another event. That’s when Em’s Cookiesbrwas born.
Many call thesebrintricately decorated sugar cookies works of art. The care and artistry that isbrused to create each one are jaw-dropping. Now they are booked out a month orbrmore in advance, and Emily spends her time caring for their four children andbrfilling cookie orders.
When Em’s Cookiesbrbecame so big it was no longer feasible to bake the sugar cookies and run thebrbusiness in their home; they found a space in which to house their bakery onbrMain Street in Spanish Fork. They decided that while they were at it, they’dbrexpand their business, converting it into a storefront for the cookies and sellbrto walk-in and delivery customers.
Within the firstbrcouple of months, things took off so rapidly that it became clear Ryan wouldbrneed to quit his job as a machinist for an oil and gas company. Emily taughtbrhim how to bake, and he’s been doing it ever since. “I’m grateful that Emily’sbrtalent has given me the opportunity to bake cookies all day long.”
Cookie Crave isn’tbryour standard, cookie chain franchise. The atmosphere at Cookie Crave is clean,brlaidback, and comfortable—with board and card games to play.
“We wanted this tobrbe a destination place for Spanish Fork residents,” Ryan says. “There aren’tbrenough places in the area where people can hang out, and we wanted to providebrthat for them.”
Having been inbrbusiness for a little over a year, Cookie Crave now has around tenbremployees.
Their milk chocolatebrchip cookie is their highest selling product, closely followed by saltedbrcaramel.
The weekly lineup ofbrcookies is posted on their Instagram (@thecookie.crave and Facebook (@ThebrCookie Crave) pages. They feature the same five favorites every day—milkbrchocolate chip, salted caramel, lime white chip, semisweet chocolate chip, andbrsnickerdoodle—plus three or four special flavors each day (traditional andbrketo).
Making a niche forbritself with its enormously popular keto cookies, Cookie Crave now bakes andbrsells them fresh every day. With fifteen, rotating keto flavors such as doublebrchocolate, citrus bliss, butter pecan, and almond joy, those following a ketobrlifestyle won’t feel deprived.
Other growingbrmarkets are gluten free and vegan cookies, and the schedule for when they arebravailable can be found on Cookie Crave’s Facebook page. The more interest theybrsee in gluten free and vegan, the more often they can make them available.
Ryan and EmilybrBurraston have lived in Spanish Fork their whole lives and are honored to havebrfound a way to continue to serve this area.
Recently namedbrSpanish Fork’s “Business of the Month,” Cookie Crave is open from 11 A.M. to 10brP.M. Monday through Saturday. (Goodman is a Serve Daily contributor.)