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ThebrSpringville-Mapleton Chamber of Commerce welcomed Cory Chapman of State FarmbrInsurance as its newest chamber member. A ribbon-cutting ceremony was heldbrrecently at his new office.
Corey wrote, “Ibrspent the last 15 years in the car business holding every position in the salesbrdepartment. The last six years I was with Ken Garff Porsche and Audi. I lovedbrthe car business, but after my wife, Chelsea, and I had our third child, webrdecided that working retail was not good for our family and I decided to open abrState Farm Office,” said Chapman.
“Our familybrgoal, with going into Insurance, was three things: First, Freedom for ourbrfamily and insurance allows a flexible life. Second, help create freedom forbrour employees by helping them grow and create a career so that they canbreventually open their own offices; and third, freedom for people in ourbrcommunity by protecting what is most important to them and helping them investbrin their financial future. We chose State Farm because they are a mutualbrcompany owned by their policyholders. Their focus is on doing what’s right forbreach of their customers and agents. State Farm is the number one home, auto,brand life insurance company in the United States, and we know that when we helpbrone of our customers they will be well taken care of. My wife is frombrSpringville, and we absolutely love this area. Our plan has always been to endbrup in Mapleton.
Chapman’s officebris located at 726 South, 1600 West, in Mapleton, right behind Maple MountainbrPharmacy.
“My wife and Ibrand our three children Cooper, 7, Connor, 5, and Carly, 2, look forward to manybryears of service to this community and in getting to know you. Thank you,brSpringville-Mapleton Chamber of Commerce, for the warm welcome.”
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ThebrSpringville-Mapleton Chamber of Commerce welcomed Cory Chapman of State FarmbrInsurance as its newest chamber member. A ribbon-cutting ceremony was heldbrrecently at his new office.
Corey wrote, “Ibrspent the last 15 years in the car business holding every position in the salesbrdepartment. The last six years I was with Ken Garff Porsche and Audi. I lovedbrthe car business, but after my wife, Chelsea, and I had our third child, webrdecided that working retail was not good for our family and I decided to open abrState Farm Office,” said Chapman.
“Our familybrgoal, with going into Insurance, was three things: First, Freedom for ourbrfamily and insurance allows a flexible life. Second, help create freedom forbrour employees by helping them grow and create a career so that they canbreventually open their own offices; and third, freedom for people in ourbrcommunity by protecting what is most important to them and helping them investbrin their financial future. We chose State Farm because they are a mutualbrcompany owned by their policyholders. Their focus is on doing what’s right forbreach of their customers and agents. State Farm is the number one home, auto,brand life insurance company in the United States, and we know that when we helpbrone of our customers they will be well taken care of. My wife is frombrSpringville, and we absolutely love this area. Our plan has always been to endbrup in Mapleton.
Chapman’s officebris located at 726 South, 1600 West, in Mapleton, right behind Maple MountainbrPharmacy.
“My wife and Ibrand our three children Cooper, 7, Connor, 5, and Carly, 2, look forward to manybryears of service to this community and in getting to know you. Thank you,brSpringville-Mapleton Chamber of Commerce, for the warm welcome.”