I was served by watching you serve each other

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Service is everywhere, if you just take time tobrpay attention. Sometimes it happens to you, and sometimes it happens to others.brIt is my belief that if you just slow down to notice moments of service, youbrwill see them happening everywhere — even in your own home and neighborhood.brThis past month, I took on a personal challenge to notice moments when Ibrobserved service happening around me. Here are some of those times.


Neighbors serving neighbors duringbrtime of tragedy


Recently, some neighbors of mine had a familybrtragedy, losing a child unexpectedly. As one who has lost a loved one, Ibrstruggled knowing where to step in without being too overbearing. I decided tobrtake my time, allowing others to step in, and waiting until the storm settledbrbefore I did. As I waited, I often looked out my window to see large and subtlebracts of service. I saw people bringing meals, and many going to lend an ear orbra hug. What nearly brought me to tears, however, was watching another neighborbrmow the family’s lawn while they were away. It was a simple, kind gesture thatbrwarranted no thank you or credit, but spoke loudly in terms of love.


Brother serving an injured brother


My oldest son is a competitive soccer player, andbras such, is often subject to injury. In the space of one week and two games, hebrwas fouled badly. Both times sent him crashing hard to the ground, causing himbrto break his right hand, and then his left clavicle. These injuries have madebrit so he can’t use either of his arms. Many mornings, I have witnessed two ofbrmy sons taking turns tying his shoes before school. It is a small yet largebrgesture, and it makes this mom’s heart very happy.


Students serving fellow students


One of my sons was elected by his fellow peers tobrbe on the Hope Squad to help fellow students who struggle, particularly withbrsuicidal thoughts and tendencies. Having lost a loved one in this tragic way,brit has been wonderful to hear about the training that these students arebrreceiving to help fellow students in need. I look forward to learning morebrabout this program, and know it will serve a great purpose as students servebrothers. (Brown is a Serve Daily contributor.)


I Was Served is a columnbrdedicated to sharing times when you were served. If you have moments to share,brsend an email to ariannebrown1@gmail.com.

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Service is everywhere, if you just take time tobrpay attention. Sometimes it happens to you, and sometimes it happens to others.brIt is my belief that if you just slow down to notice moments of service, youbrwill see them happening everywhere — even in your own home and neighborhood.brThis past month, I took on a personal challenge to notice moments when Ibrobserved service happening around me. Here are some of those times.


Neighbors serving neighbors duringbrtime of tragedy


Recently, some neighbors of mine had a familybrtragedy, losing a child unexpectedly. As one who has lost a loved one, Ibrstruggled knowing where to step in without being too overbearing. I decided tobrtake my time, allowing others to step in, and waiting until the storm settledbrbefore I did. As I waited, I often looked out my window to see large and subtlebracts of service. I saw people bringing meals, and many going to lend an ear orbra hug. What nearly brought me to tears, however, was watching another neighborbrmow the family’s lawn while they were away. It was a simple, kind gesture thatbrwarranted no thank you or credit, but spoke loudly in terms of love.


Brother serving an injured brother


My oldest son is a competitive soccer player, andbras such, is often subject to injury. In the space of one week and two games, hebrwas fouled badly. Both times sent him crashing hard to the ground, causing himbrto break his right hand, and then his left clavicle. These injuries have madebrit so he can’t use either of his arms. Many mornings, I have witnessed two ofbrmy sons taking turns tying his shoes before school. It is a small yet largebrgesture, and it makes this mom’s heart very happy.


Students serving fellow students


One of my sons was elected by his fellow peers tobrbe on the Hope Squad to help fellow students who struggle, particularly withbrsuicidal thoughts and tendencies. Having lost a loved one in this tragic way,brit has been wonderful to hear about the training that these students arebrreceiving to help fellow students in need. I look forward to learning morebrabout this program, and know it will serve a great purpose as students servebrothers. (Brown is a Serve Daily contributor.)


I Was Served is a columnbrdedicated to sharing times when you were served. If you have moments to share,brsend an email to ariannebrown1@gmail.com.

Arianne Brown
Arianne Brown
Arianne Brown is a mom of nine who writes columns for many local and national publications. She currently resides in Payson, and enjoys looking for good happenings in her area and sharing them for others to read about. For more of her stories, search "A Mother's Write" on Facebook.

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