Legion Auxiliary to honor veterans Nov. 8 during annual dinner in Santaquin

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American LegionbrAuxiliary #84, will again be honoring all Veterans at its annual VeteransbrDinner on Nov, 8.


The dinner will bebrheld at 6 p.m. at the Santaquin Senior Citizen/Veterans Hall at 55 West 100brSouth in Santaquin. Handicap Parking is available at the rear of the building.


This year’s dinnerbrwill feature a home cooked meal of pork loin and gravy, mashed potatoes, abrvegetable, salad, homemade rolls and dessert. Entertainment will feature MissbrSantaquin, Devyn Olson, and Magicologist Ron Carasco, from Payson.


Guest speaker is WorldbrWar II Air Force Staff Sgt. Kenneth Porter of Delta, who will tell us of hisbrwar experiences. Porter is 93 years old and is one of our few remaining WorldbrWar II Veterans.


Attendance for all Veterans is free. Partners and/or guestsbrwill be $5. No children please. You need not be a member of the American Legionbrnor have served during war time. All veterans are welcome from Springvillebrsouth to Nephi and west to include Eureka. Rides will be provided to Santaquinbrveterans if needed. There will be a raffle for a queen size patriotic red whitebrand blue quilt. Tickets will be available at the door or in advance at thebrphone numbers below. Please RSVP by Nov. 5 to Janeil Deuel, 801-609-2161 orbrRamona Petersen 801-754-3539. (Submitted to Serve Daily by HelenbrKester.)

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American LegionbrAuxiliary #84, will again be honoring all Veterans at its annual VeteransbrDinner on Nov, 8.


The dinner will bebrheld at 6 p.m. at the Santaquin Senior Citizen/Veterans Hall at 55 West 100brSouth in Santaquin. Handicap Parking is available at the rear of the building.


This year’s dinnerbrwill feature a home cooked meal of pork loin and gravy, mashed potatoes, abrvegetable, salad, homemade rolls and dessert. Entertainment will feature MissbrSantaquin, Devyn Olson, and Magicologist Ron Carasco, from Payson.


Guest speaker is WorldbrWar II Air Force Staff Sgt. Kenneth Porter of Delta, who will tell us of hisbrwar experiences. Porter is 93 years old and is one of our few remaining WorldbrWar II Veterans.


Attendance for all Veterans is free. Partners and/or guestsbrwill be $5. No children please. You need not be a member of the American Legionbrnor have served during war time. All veterans are welcome from Springvillebrsouth to Nephi and west to include Eureka. Rides will be provided to Santaquinbrveterans if needed. There will be a raffle for a queen size patriotic red whitebrand blue quilt. Tickets will be available at the door or in advance at thebrphone numbers below. Please RSVP by Nov. 5 to Janeil Deuel, 801-609-2161 orbrRamona Petersen 801-754-3539. (Submitted to Serve Daily by HelenbrKester.)

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