Local flying enthusiasts soar with free introductory flights at Spanish Fork Airport

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Three local men, Michael Olsen, Tom Engelhardt,brand Michael Scheetz, with a lifelong interest in flying, received freebrintroductory flights in a small airplane in September at the Spanish ForkbrAirport.


The event was sponsored by the local EAA Chapterbr753 and was titled a “First Flight Rally.” This was part of a national EAAbrinitiative to promote “The Spirt of Aviation” and encourage new people tobrbecome pilots.


For many years EAA has provided free “YoungbrEagle” flights for youth under 18 years of age. This year they started a freebrintroductory flight initiative for adults 18 and over. They call this programbrthe “Flying Start First Flight Program.


The Saturday morning event included an EAA powerbrpoint presentation by Chapter President Michael Duke on what is involved inbrgetting an FAA private pilot certificate for various types of aircraft. MikebrHendran discussed flying gliders as an orientation to flying.


Both Michael and Tom took a turn flying in anbrAmerican Champion 8KCAB Super Decathlon, an incredibly fun to fly tandem seatbrairplane. The plane was piloted by EAA member and Spanish Fork Airport Manager,brCris Child. Michael Scheetz’ flight was with EAA member Glenn Duffin in hisbrPiper PA28 Cherokee. All three men had huge smiles as they climbed out of the airplanebrafter their 45-minute flights. It looks like they are ready to start flightbrtraining, which was the purpose of the EAA first flight program.


At the First Flight Rally on Sept. 7 was JeremiahbrJones, who was one of the first to contact EAA about a First Flightbropportunity. That was back in April and his free intro flight was in May. Sincebrthen, he has been enrolled in regular lessons at Pilot Makers Advanced FlightbrAcademy. Jeremiah had his FAA private pilot practical exam, commonly known as abr“checkride” scheduled for mid-September and will soon be an FAA certifiedbrprivate pilot. Jeremiah represents another success for the EAA First FlightbrProgram.  


For more information about the EAA and local Chapter 753brcontact Michael Duke at info@eaa753.org. (Helmick is a Serve Dailybrcontributor.)

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Three local men, Michael Olsen, Tom Engelhardt,brand Michael Scheetz, with a lifelong interest in flying, received freebrintroductory flights in a small airplane in September at the Spanish ForkbrAirport.


The event was sponsored by the local EAA Chapterbr753 and was titled a “First Flight Rally.” This was part of a national EAAbrinitiative to promote “The Spirt of Aviation” and encourage new people tobrbecome pilots.


For many years EAA has provided free “YoungbrEagle” flights for youth under 18 years of age. This year they started a freebrintroductory flight initiative for adults 18 and over. They call this programbrthe “Flying Start First Flight Program.


The Saturday morning event included an EAA powerbrpoint presentation by Chapter President Michael Duke on what is involved inbrgetting an FAA private pilot certificate for various types of aircraft. MikebrHendran discussed flying gliders as an orientation to flying.


Both Michael and Tom took a turn flying in anbrAmerican Champion 8KCAB Super Decathlon, an incredibly fun to fly tandem seatbrairplane. The plane was piloted by EAA member and Spanish Fork Airport Manager,brCris Child. Michael Scheetz’ flight was with EAA member Glenn Duffin in hisbrPiper PA28 Cherokee. All three men had huge smiles as they climbed out of the airplanebrafter their 45-minute flights. It looks like they are ready to start flightbrtraining, which was the purpose of the EAA first flight program.


At the First Flight Rally on Sept. 7 was JeremiahbrJones, who was one of the first to contact EAA about a First Flightbropportunity. That was back in April and his free intro flight was in May. Sincebrthen, he has been enrolled in regular lessons at Pilot Makers Advanced FlightbrAcademy. Jeremiah had his FAA private pilot practical exam, commonly known as abr“checkride” scheduled for mid-September and will soon be an FAA certifiedbrprivate pilot. Jeremiah represents another success for the EAA First FlightbrProgram.  


For more information about the EAA and local Chapter 753brcontact Michael Duke at info@eaa753.org. (Helmick is a Serve Dailybrcontributor.)

Ed Helmick
Ed Helmick
Ed Helmick wrote for Serve Daily and many other publications throughout the last decade. He passed away in July 2024, just a short time after his 80th birthday. Share your favorite article of his and have a blessed day.

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