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Twenty young women from the Nebo SchoolbrDistrict’s Advanced Learning Center were flown by Delta Air Lines from SaltbrLake to the NASA Space Center in Houston on Oct. 5.
The local high school students and their escortsbrwere part of 120 young women and escorts from school districts in Utah.
The purpose of the trip was to inspire women tobrbecome aviators and aerospace engineers.
It was an all-day, all female flight from initialbrplanning, the flight and ground crew to women in the control tower according tobra Delta Air Lines company news release.
This was the fifth annual event titled WINGbrFlight – Women Inspiring our Next Generation and the first one to originate outbrof Salt Lake.
The girls left ALC in Salem at 4:40 a.m. for a 6bra.m. departure at the Salt Lake International Airport and flew to Ellington AirbrForce Base adjacent to the NASA Space Center.
Once on the ground the ground the students, according tobrDelta Air Lines “experienced the worlds of flight and human space exploration.”brThe highlight was touring NASA Mission Control Center and a very inspiringbrlunch with Jeanette Epps, NASA astronaut and aerospace engineer. The flightbrreturned to Salt Lake about 10 p.m. and no one was complaining about the longbrday. (Helmick is a Serve Daily contributor.)
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Twenty young women from the Nebo SchoolbrDistrict’s Advanced Learning Center were flown by Delta Air Lines from SaltbrLake to the NASA Space Center in Houston on Oct. 5.
The local high school students and their escortsbrwere part of 120 young women and escorts from school districts in Utah.
The purpose of the trip was to inspire women tobrbecome aviators and aerospace engineers.
It was an all-day, all female flight from initialbrplanning, the flight and ground crew to women in the control tower according tobra Delta Air Lines company news release.
This was the fifth annual event titled WINGbrFlight – Women Inspiring our Next Generation and the first one to originate outbrof Salt Lake.
The girls left ALC in Salem at 4:40 a.m. for a 6bra.m. departure at the Salt Lake International Airport and flew to Ellington AirbrForce Base adjacent to the NASA Space Center.
Once on the ground the ground the students, according tobrDelta Air Lines “experienced the worlds of flight and human space exploration.”brThe highlight was touring NASA Mission Control Center and a very inspiringbrlunch with Jeanette Epps, NASA astronaut and aerospace engineer. The flightbrreturned to Salt Lake about 10 p.m. and no one was complaining about the longbrday. (Helmick is a Serve Daily contributor.)