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Nebo School Districtbrwill host a presentation on how stress is changing the teenage brain on Nov. 4brat Maple Mountain High School and Nov. 18 at Spanish Fork High School. Bothbrpresentations will begin at 7 p.m.
Dr. Christy Kane willbrdiscuss issues impacting teenagers today that were unheard of in the 1980s thatbrincrease anxiety and depression. Kane believes the cultural differences broughtbrupon by technology are affecting the development of the teenage brain.
The amount of screenbrtime as well as other expectations being put on teenagers have brought on newbrlevels of increased stress. As evidence, the doctor offers some staggeringbrstatistics:
In the 1980s,brteenagers spent three to four nights a week with friends. Whereas today, thebraverage is only one night a week.
In the 1980s, morebrteens were involved in after-school activities, were concerned about obtainingbrtheir driver’s license, and were working for a wage by the age of 16. Whereasbrtoday, this is just not happening.
Children in the 1980sbrspent more than eight hours playing outside on the average per week. Whereasbrtoday, it’s less than four hours playing outside.
Kane believes that not exercising outside is one reason thatbrthe child’s brain is overloaded. Children are not getting the chance tobrde-stress. Kane believes there are multiple strategies that help studentsbrde-stress and will discuss them during her presentation. (ServebrDaily submission by Lana Hiskey.)
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Nebo School Districtbrwill host a presentation on how stress is changing the teenage brain on Nov. 4brat Maple Mountain High School and Nov. 18 at Spanish Fork High School. Bothbrpresentations will begin at 7 p.m.
Dr. Christy Kane willbrdiscuss issues impacting teenagers today that were unheard of in the 1980s thatbrincrease anxiety and depression. Kane believes the cultural differences broughtbrupon by technology are affecting the development of the teenage brain.
The amount of screenbrtime as well as other expectations being put on teenagers have brought on newbrlevels of increased stress. As evidence, the doctor offers some staggeringbrstatistics:
In the 1980s,brteenagers spent three to four nights a week with friends. Whereas today, thebraverage is only one night a week.
In the 1980s, morebrteens were involved in after-school activities, were concerned about obtainingbrtheir driver’s license, and were working for a wage by the age of 16. Whereasbrtoday, this is just not happening.
Children in the 1980sbrspent more than eight hours playing outside on the average per week. Whereasbrtoday, it’s less than four hours playing outside.
Kane believes that not exercising outside is one reason thatbrthe child’s brain is overloaded. Children are not getting the chance tobrde-stress. Kane believes there are multiple strategies that help studentsbrde-stress and will discuss them during her presentation. (ServebrDaily submission by Lana Hiskey.)