School district and law enforcement work together to stop drivers from ignoring school bus stop arms

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During National SchoolbrBus Safety Week, Oct. 21-25, Utah school districts along with city leaders andbrlaw enforcement came together to remind everyone about the importance of safetybraround school buses.


Launi Harden,brpresident of Utah Association of Pupil Transportation, addressed a groupbrgathered for a “STOP the Stop Arm Violations” press conference. She said Utahbrdrivers are ignoring school bus stop arms at alarming rates, sometimes passingbrschool buses on the right-hand side while students are getting on or off thebrbus.


Harden said ignoringbrschool bus activated flashing red lights and stop arms is putting lives atbrrisk. In a recent one-day illegal passing count conducted by the state, 917brdrivers disregarded extended school bus stop arms and flashing lights.


School districts arebrjoining with law enforcement agencies to send the message to drivers: “STOP thebrStop Arm Violations” for the safety of children and others on or near schoolbrbuses. (Serve Daily submission by Lana Hiskey.)

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During National SchoolbrBus Safety Week, Oct. 21-25, Utah school districts along with city leaders andbrlaw enforcement came together to remind everyone about the importance of safetybraround school buses.


Launi Harden,brpresident of Utah Association of Pupil Transportation, addressed a groupbrgathered for a “STOP the Stop Arm Violations” press conference. She said Utahbrdrivers are ignoring school bus stop arms at alarming rates, sometimes passingbrschool buses on the right-hand side while students are getting on or off thebrbus.


Harden said ignoringbrschool bus activated flashing red lights and stop arms is putting lives atbrrisk. In a recent one-day illegal passing count conducted by the state, 917brdrivers disregarded extended school bus stop arms and flashing lights.


School districts arebrjoining with law enforcement agencies to send the message to drivers: “STOP thebrStop Arm Violations” for the safety of children and others on or near schoolbrbuses. (Serve Daily submission by Lana Hiskey.)

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