A haircut and a shave.brThose two things can make all the difference in how a man feels about himself,brif just for a moment.
That’s why MersadiesbrReber, owner at The Fellas Chop Shop in Spanish Fork has decided to offer freebrhaircuts to active and retired military veterans this coming Veteran’s Day.
With several veteransbrin her immediate family alone, Reber knows firsthand the sacrifice ofbrservicemen and women.
“I grew up in abrmilitary home,” Reber said. “My grandpa, dad, older sister, and twin sister allbrserved in the military. I love Veteran’s Day, and am passionate about givingbrback to those who have served. As a business owner, I feel like it is my dutybrto find a way to give back to these wonderful people who have dedicated much ofbrtheir life to protect our freedoms. The least I can do is set a day aside tobrgive back to them.”
While Reber is thebrowner, there are five other barbers who work at the shop as well.
All, she said, are onbrboard to forego commissions they would have received that day to offer haircutsbrfree of charge to veterans.
“When I asked mybrbarbers if they would donate a day of work for veterans, all of them said theybrwould do it,” she said. “This is their job, and it is a sacrifice for them tobrdo this. I’m really proud of my staff for recognizing how important it is tobrgive back to those who have served our country.”
Now, this isn’t thebrfirst time the Fellas Chop Shop has offered this service. Last year, the shopbroffered cuts for free to veterans, and wanted to keep the tradition going this year,brbut Reber and her staff are hoping for an even bigger turnout.
“Last year, we had abrgood turnout, but it wasn’t as steady as we would have liked,” Reber said.
“I think that manybrveterans don’t want handouts, and I don’t want them to look at it like that. Webrwant to serve them. We want to be able to do this for them as our way ofbrthanking them for their service. So, if you are a veteran, please come in.”
While the shop is abrbarber shop, specializing in men cuts and styles, Reber recognizes that there arebrwomen veterans. She said that some of the barbers have been trained in womanbrcuts, and they would certainly not turn a servicewoman away, although shebrcautions potential female customers on the quality of the cut and style.
Veteran’s Day is Nov. 11, and the shop is open from 10 a.m.brto 7 p.m. The shop is located at 740 North, Main Street in Spanish Fork.brWalk-ins are accepted. (Brown is a Serve Dailybrcontributor.)