Utah Youth Education inbrShooting Sports has joined the Giving Tuesday movement, a global day of givingbrthat kicks off the giving season and follows Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
On this day, Dec. 3, UTYESSbrasks for your support to grow their shooting team endowment accounts at thebrMidwayUSA Foundation. Each team has their own, earmarked team endowment at thebrMidwayUSA Foundation, a public charity that helps communities and organizationsbrraise funds for their high school, college and other youth shooting teams andbractivities.
Each year, teams with abrMidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment are eligible to receive a cash grant frombrthat endowment to use for expenses like ammunition, travel, targets, uniforms,brentry fees and more.
One of the ways teams growbrtheir team endowment is through online donations, which are matched. Thosebrinterested in giving to a UTYESS team, where your donation will be matched, canbrvisit the MidwayUSA Foundation website (midwayusafoundation.org/donate) andbrsearch for any of the UTYESS teams.
Donations are tax deductiblebrand 100 percent of the donation, as well as the match, benefits that specificbrshooting team. The Foundation keeps zero for operating expenses. This fundingbris available for the life of the team, so growing the endowment is crucial tobrthe future of our local shooting team.
“The MidwayUSA Foundationbrhas been an amazing resource for the Wasatch Wing and Clay team, ” saidbrAnthony Shaerer, Team President. “We wouldn’t have the success andbrparticipation without their generous help.”
Teams with an endowmentbraccount that are part of UTYESS are: Cedar Clay Breakers, Cedar City,br(Endowment ID R16148); Milford Young Guns, Milford (Endowment ID R13159); OgdenbrClay Dusters, Ogden (Endowment ID R4699); Riverton Shooting Club, Rivertonbr(Endowment ID R58013); Skyline X, Spanish Fork (Endowment ID R66280); TriggerbrTherapy, Ephraim (Endowment ID R15931); USCTP Cache Valley Scholastic TrapbrClub, Logan (Endowment ID R57967); Wasatch Wing & Clays Youth Program,brCedar Fort (Endowment ID R4702); Wild Goose Clays, Richfield (Endowment IDbrR15961).
“The MidwayUSA Foundationbrendowment accounts are a critical part of youth shooting sports,” explainsbrDusty Wiseman, UTYESS Executive Director for Southern Utah and Head Coach ofbrMilford Young Guns. “The financial assistance the account provides makesbrit possible for youth to be educated in safety, responsibility, andbrcompetitiveness.”
Donors may also contribute tobrthe Utah State Agency Endowment account by donating atbrhttps://www.midwayusafoundation.org/organization/?id=OP7347 or by callingbrMidwayUSA directly at 877-375-4570 and donating to Endowment ID OP7347.
To learn more about UTYESS orbrto get more information about the team endowment accounts at the MidwayUSAbrFoundation, please visit www.utyess.org or contact Brian Beard at (385)br323-0815. The MidwayUSA Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity working tobrsustain the shooting sports industry by providing long-term funding to youthbrshooting teams. (Serve Daily submission by Brian Beard.)