Evolution Auto Sales speeds into business in Springville

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ThebrSpringville-Mapleton Chamber of Commerce welcomed Evolution Auto Sales tobrSpringville by hosting a ribbon cutting ceremony.


Marlow and GiovannibrBanuelos have been residents of Springville for more than 10 years. They arebrbrothers who have decided to start their own business while following theirbrpassion of buying and selling cars.


They wanted to be abrpart of the current growth within Utah County, so they decided to start theirbrfirst business in Springville. Evolution Auto Sales LLC officially opened upbrfor business in July 2019. It is a small, used auto dealer which is familybrowned and operated.


They would love to put their name out there and help anyonebrin the community get into their next vehicle. If you know someone that isbrlooking for a vehicle, they would love to help them out. You are welcome tobrstop by anytime to welcome them to the community or to browse their availablebrinventory. Call them at 801-682-3270, or stop by at their business at 2499brWest, 700 South, in Springville. Find them online at evolutionautoutah.com. (ServebrDaily submission by Shirlene Jordan.)

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ThebrSpringville-Mapleton Chamber of Commerce welcomed Evolution Auto Sales tobrSpringville by hosting a ribbon cutting ceremony.


Marlow and GiovannibrBanuelos have been residents of Springville for more than 10 years. They arebrbrothers who have decided to start their own business while following theirbrpassion of buying and selling cars.


They wanted to be abrpart of the current growth within Utah County, so they decided to start theirbrfirst business in Springville. Evolution Auto Sales LLC officially opened upbrfor business in July 2019. It is a small, used auto dealer which is familybrowned and operated.


They would love to put their name out there and help anyonebrin the community get into their next vehicle. If you know someone that isbrlooking for a vehicle, they would love to help them out. You are welcome tobrstop by anytime to welcome them to the community or to browse their availablebrinventory. Call them at 801-682-3270, or stop by at their business at 2499brWest, 700 South, in Springville. Find them online at evolutionautoutah.com. (ServebrDaily submission by Shirlene Jordan.)

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