Groundbreaking ceremony paves way for new terminal at Provo Airport

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For the past few yearsbrAllegiant Airlines has served Provo out of the TAC Air building that was neverbrdesigned to be an airline terminal.


If anyone has flownbrout of Provo on an airline flight, you have seen how crowded the facilities arebr(and automobile parking is a problem, as well). Ramp space is limited, whichbrcreates a problem, particularly when BYU games or events that bring in charterbrflights. 


It has long been timebrcoming for a real airport terminal at the Provo Airport. The airport manager,brSteve Gleason, along with city, county, state and federal officials havebrfinally made it happen.


On Nov. 6 abrgroundbreaking ceremony was held with a huge crowd that included the Lt.brGovernor, Michelle Kaufus.


After the usual andbralways appropriate speeches, the crowd moved to the east side of the event tentbrfor the official groundbreaking of the $40 million, 100,000 square-footbrbuilding.


Watching the event wasbra real blast, literally. Rather than using the classic golden shovels, thebrdignitaries had a simulated dynamite plunger to set off an explosion of red,brwhite and blue smoke. It was certainly a noteworthy groundbreaking that will bebrremembered.


The terminal isbrexpected to be finished in December 2021 and initially will have four gatesbrwith a design that can be expanded to 10 gates.


Several airlines arebrinterested in expanding service to Provo when the terminal is completed. Thisbrwill be a huge convenience for south Utah County and our neighboring countiesbrto the south.


To make it even easier to get to the Provo Airport, thebrrecently developed Lakeview Parkway will take you directly to the airport frombrthe I-15 / University Avenue Exit on the south side of Provo. That saves a longbrdrive to the Salt Lake City Airport and as Steve Gleason points out, the real advantagebris when you arrive you are almost home. (Helmick is a Serve Dailybrcontributor.)

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For the past few yearsbrAllegiant Airlines has served Provo out of the TAC Air building that was neverbrdesigned to be an airline terminal.


If anyone has flownbrout of Provo on an airline flight, you have seen how crowded the facilities arebr(and automobile parking is a problem, as well). Ramp space is limited, whichbrcreates a problem, particularly when BYU games or events that bring in charterbrflights. 


It has long been timebrcoming for a real airport terminal at the Provo Airport. The airport manager,brSteve Gleason, along with city, county, state and federal officials havebrfinally made it happen.


On Nov. 6 abrgroundbreaking ceremony was held with a huge crowd that included the Lt.brGovernor, Michelle Kaufus.


After the usual andbralways appropriate speeches, the crowd moved to the east side of the event tentbrfor the official groundbreaking of the $40 million, 100,000 square-footbrbuilding.


Watching the event wasbra real blast, literally. Rather than using the classic golden shovels, thebrdignitaries had a simulated dynamite plunger to set off an explosion of red,brwhite and blue smoke. It was certainly a noteworthy groundbreaking that will bebrremembered.


The terminal isbrexpected to be finished in December 2021 and initially will have four gatesbrwith a design that can be expanded to 10 gates.


Several airlines arebrinterested in expanding service to Provo when the terminal is completed. Thisbrwill be a huge convenience for south Utah County and our neighboring countiesbrto the south.


To make it even easier to get to the Provo Airport, thebrrecently developed Lakeview Parkway will take you directly to the airport frombrthe I-15 / University Avenue Exit on the south side of Provo. That saves a longbrdrive to the Salt Lake City Airport and as Steve Gleason points out, the real advantagebris when you arrive you are almost home. (Helmick is a Serve Dailybrcontributor.)

Ed Helmick
Ed Helmick
Ed Helmick wrote for Serve Daily and many other publications throughout the last decade. He passed away in July 2024, just a short time after his 80th birthday. Share your favorite article of his and have a blessed day.

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