Principal announced for new Spring Canyon Middle School

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Alison Hansen has beenbrappointed as Principal of the new Spring Canyon Middle School in Springville bybrthe Nebo School Board of Education.


Currently, Hansen isbrthe Principal of Sage Creek Elementary and will have served there for more thanbrfour years. She also served as the district’s STEM grant facilitator.


Hansen was Principalbrof Brockbank Elementary for 10 years.


She taught atbrSpringville Middle School for eight years and started her career as a math andbrchemistry teacher at Spanish Fork High School.


Hansen has receivedbrnumerous, awards including 2010 and 2013 Nebo District Elementary Innovator ofbrthe Year; 2011 Nebo District Elementary Rural Principal of the Year; and 2014brNebo District Elementary Principal of the Year through the Utah Association ofbrElementary School Principals.


Hansen has been lauded as a great listener who strives tobrhelp each child succeed in school. Students, teachers, and parents havebrexpressed appreciation for her positive attitude and ability to help studentsbrchange negative behavior. She is a life-long learner and committed tobrschool-wide excellence. “I think schools are amazingly wonderful places tobrspend each day. When a teacher’s passion and ingenuity engage a student’sbrnatural curiosity and desire to learn, it is magic. I am privileged to be abrpart of and witness magical moments every day,” Hansen said. (ServebrDaily submission by Lana Hiskey.)

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Alison Hansen has beenbrappointed as Principal of the new Spring Canyon Middle School in Springville bybrthe Nebo School Board of Education.


Currently, Hansen isbrthe Principal of Sage Creek Elementary and will have served there for more thanbrfour years. She also served as the district’s STEM grant facilitator.


Hansen was Principalbrof Brockbank Elementary for 10 years.


She taught atbrSpringville Middle School for eight years and started her career as a math andbrchemistry teacher at Spanish Fork High School.


Hansen has receivedbrnumerous, awards including 2010 and 2013 Nebo District Elementary Innovator ofbrthe Year; 2011 Nebo District Elementary Rural Principal of the Year; and 2014brNebo District Elementary Principal of the Year through the Utah Association ofbrElementary School Principals.


Hansen has been lauded as a great listener who strives tobrhelp each child succeed in school. Students, teachers, and parents havebrexpressed appreciation for her positive attitude and ability to help studentsbrchange negative behavior. She is a life-long learner and committed tobrschool-wide excellence. “I think schools are amazingly wonderful places tobrspend each day. When a teacher’s passion and ingenuity engage a student’sbrnatural curiosity and desire to learn, it is magic. I am privileged to be abrpart of and witness magical moments every day,” Hansen said. (ServebrDaily submission by Lana Hiskey.)

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