History professor to speak on Utah’s outlaws at Springville Senior Center

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Dr. Jay Buckley,brassociate professor of history at BYU, will speak on Utah’s outlaws on Feb. 5,brat 6 p.m. at the Springville Senior Center, 65 East, 200 South.


This event is free andbropen to all. Was the Utah Territory a violent and lawless place? Or was it abrpeaceful and lawful one? Or a bit of both? Separating fact and fiction aboutbrcolorful and notorious outlaws such as Matt Warner, Butch Cassidy, the McCartybrGang, Isom Dart, Elza Lay, Ann and Josie Bassett, and the Wild Bunch is abrfascinating challenge.


In fact, sometimesbrthese outlaws were in-laws! We will embark on a journey through outlaw hangoutsbrsuch as the Bassett Ranch, Brown’s Hole, Hole in the Wall, and Robber’s Roostbras we seek to understand what drove these men and women to crime, and why somebrwent straight and others went to prison or met death by a bullet or at the endbrof a noose.


Buckley grew up inbrBridger Valley, Wyo. He studied history at BYU before earning his PhD at thebrUniversity of Nebraska.


Buckley is anbrassociate professor of history at Brigham Young University, where he teachesbrU.S., American West, and American Indian history courses.


At BYU he directs thebrAmerican Indian Studies minor. In addition, he is the director of the CharlesbrRedd Center for Western Studies.


Professor Buckley alsobrdirects college-credit field studies every summer for the Driven2Teach programbr(www.driven2teach.org) which gives Utah educators, specializing in Americanbrhistory grades 5 through 12, a hands-on learning experience at historical sitesbraround the country.


Buckley has writtenbrseven books and is currently working on two more.


He is a popularbrlecturer, speaking at meetings for many diverse historical organizations. Hebrtruly makes history come to life for his audiences. (ServebrDaily submission.)

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Dr. Jay Buckley,brassociate professor of history at BYU, will speak on Utah’s outlaws on Feb. 5,brat 6 p.m. at the Springville Senior Center, 65 East, 200 South.


This event is free andbropen to all. Was the Utah Territory a violent and lawless place? Or was it abrpeaceful and lawful one? Or a bit of both? Separating fact and fiction aboutbrcolorful and notorious outlaws such as Matt Warner, Butch Cassidy, the McCartybrGang, Isom Dart, Elza Lay, Ann and Josie Bassett, and the Wild Bunch is abrfascinating challenge.


In fact, sometimesbrthese outlaws were in-laws! We will embark on a journey through outlaw hangoutsbrsuch as the Bassett Ranch, Brown’s Hole, Hole in the Wall, and Robber’s Roostbras we seek to understand what drove these men and women to crime, and why somebrwent straight and others went to prison or met death by a bullet or at the endbrof a noose.


Buckley grew up inbrBridger Valley, Wyo. He studied history at BYU before earning his PhD at thebrUniversity of Nebraska.


Buckley is anbrassociate professor of history at Brigham Young University, where he teachesbrU.S., American West, and American Indian history courses.


At BYU he directs thebrAmerican Indian Studies minor. In addition, he is the director of the CharlesbrRedd Center for Western Studies.


Professor Buckley alsobrdirects college-credit field studies every summer for the Driven2Teach programbr(www.driven2teach.org) which gives Utah educators, specializing in Americanbrhistory grades 5 through 12, a hands-on learning experience at historical sitesbraround the country.


Buckley has writtenbrseven books and is currently working on two more.


He is a popularbrlecturer, speaking at meetings for many diverse historical organizations. Hebrtruly makes history come to life for his audiences. (ServebrDaily submission.)

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