“OK Boomer” is a popular statement that is making its way around social media and in conversations nationwide.
The two-word phrase may sound benign,brbut it really isn’t; it is blatant dis- respect for the Baby Boomer generationbrborn between the years of 1944 and 1964. Many are using the phrase to discountbranything that our parents and grandparents say — even blaming them forbrrecent economic hardships and unhealthy diets.
I became aware of “OK Boomer” during onebrof my favorite past times: having a text conversation with my daughter, wherebrwe communicate entirely in GIFs.
During our conversation, she disagreedbrwith something I said, and big “OK BOOMER” flashed in bright colors on mybrphone.
I had no idea what that meant, so enlisted the help of Google to translate what my daughter meant. While I took nobrdirect offense to the message, as one who sits right on the border of Gen X andbrMillennial (1982), it bothered me.
Despite what the younger generation maybrsay about the Baby Boomers, I’ll say that I’ve been served my whole life bybrpeople born in this era.
It was the Baby Boomers who came aboutbrafter war, the Great Depression, and more war and heartache to bring a risingbrgeneration of hope to a country that needed just that.
Baby Boomers were raised by parents andbrloved ones who were doing their best despite being subject to mankind andbrdevastation at its worst.
It was during their time when a countrybrthat was wrought with racism, that the idea of equal rights was brought to light, and we began to see each other asbrbrothers and sisters.
Peace, love and rock-and-roll took thebrcountry by storm as teen and young adult Boomers tried to make sense of a worldbrof senselessness. Some took to exploring the great outdoors like my dad, becoming a river guide on the Snake River. My mom immersed herself in the arts.
There were those who threw them- selvesbrinto work, trying to create a better life for themselves and their children. Things like student loans were put in place to allow everyone a chance atbra quality education to provide more gainful employment. Each scenario progressed with Baby Boomers growing through adulthood taking with them experiencesbrfrom years previous into family and work life. And they did their best.
As a beneficiary of those life experiences having been raised by two Baby Boomer parents and countless other aunts,bruncles, neighbors and teachers, I am forever grateful. And just like it was thebrresponsibility of their generation to carry the torch that burned heavy with abrhardship, it is my duty to carry the torch that also carries with it lessons tobrbe learned.
As I carry that torch, I hope to make itbra little lighter for the generations that follow, but I’m sure I will makebrmistakes that will inevitably need to be fixed. My kids and grandkids may mockbrme, and I them.
So, rather than ending the conversationbrtoo soon with a callused two-word phrase, how about we take a look at thebrservice that was provided to us by people doing their best to make lifebrbetter as we work toward doing the same for those to come. (Brown is a ServebrDaily contributor.)