Winter Beauty

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We are blessedbrwith four seasons to entertain us during the year. Winter is
bra cool season (pun intended) because it has some unique features for us tobrthink about and appreciate.
brThe visual impact of winter is mul- tifaceted and gets frozen in our mind (punbrintended) for us to take into old age and use wisely.


The weatherbrforecast tells us a snow- storm is coming, and it may be the largest storm ofbrthe season. We anx- iously wait, periodically looking out the


window to seebrif it is snowing yet. When we go to bed, we get up with great curiosity to seebrhow much snow


has fallen.brThen we ask ourselves how long the storm will last. Snow is some- thing we canbrsee, measure, touch and taste. A snowstorm brings out emotions we don’tbrexperience in the spring, sum- mer, and fall seasons.


The landscapebrgets a new coat of beauty and brings forth a sense of cleanliness and purity.brThen the ques- tion, are we going to be able to get out of the driveway today.brDriving can be an adventure in terms of traction and


defensivebrmindset about other driv- ers on the road.


On the lighterbrside, it is time to make snow angels and snowmen. Now there is a winter sightbrfor you. Then there are the action shots in our cam- era or at least in ourbrminds eye of sledding, skiing,


snowboardingbrand riding the snowmo- bile in the winter wonderland. There is just no otherbrseason like it.


The winterbrnights are long, in Utah County we have about 15 hours between sunset andbrsunrise.
brWith so much darkness it has


always amazedbrme that the Creator’s wisdom has provid- ed us with a blanket of white snow tobrreflect the limited light that is available.


Just look atbrthe magic of a full moon on a winter night.


Winter is a wonderfulbrseason to be cherished and appreciat-


ed. Humanbrnature is such that we will soon be ready for change and spring weather and itsbrattributes. (Helmick is a Serve Daily contributor.)

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We are blessedbrwith four seasons to entertain us during the year. Winter is
bra cool season (pun intended) because it has some unique features for us tobrthink about and appreciate.
brThe visual impact of winter is mul- tifaceted and gets frozen in our mind (punbrintended) for us to take into old age and use wisely.


The weatherbrforecast tells us a snow- storm is coming, and it may be the largest storm ofbrthe season. We anx- iously wait, periodically looking out the


window to seebrif it is snowing yet. When we go to bed, we get up with great curiosity to seebrhow much snow


has fallen.brThen we ask ourselves how long the storm will last. Snow is some- thing we canbrsee, measure, touch and taste. A snowstorm brings out emotions we don’tbrexperience in the spring, sum- mer, and fall seasons.


The landscapebrgets a new coat of beauty and brings forth a sense of cleanliness and purity.brThen the ques- tion, are we going to be able to get out of the driveway today.brDriving can be an adventure in terms of traction and


defensivebrmindset about other driv- ers on the road.


On the lighterbrside, it is time to make snow angels and snowmen. Now there is a winter sightbrfor you. Then there are the action shots in our cam- era or at least in ourbrminds eye of sledding, skiing,


snowboardingbrand riding the snowmo- bile in the winter wonderland. There is just no otherbrseason like it.


The winterbrnights are long, in Utah County we have about 15 hours between sunset andbrsunrise.
brWith so much darkness it has


always amazedbrme that the Creator’s wisdom has provid- ed us with a blanket of white snow tobrreflect the limited light that is available.


Just look atbrthe magic of a full moon on a winter night.


Winter is a wonderfulbrseason to be cherished and appreciat-


ed. Humanbrnature is such that we will soon be ready for change and spring weather and itsbrattributes. (Helmick is a Serve Daily contributor.)

Ed Helmick
Ed Helmick
Ed Helmick wrote for Serve Daily and many other publications throughout the last decade. He passed away in July 2024, just a short time after his 80th birthday. Share your favorite article of his and have a blessed day.

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