Schools – Mayor Youth Award

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Savannah Allman and Oliver Wood, both ninth grade students at Springville Junior High School, and Mark Anderson and Addison Cash, fifth and sixth grade students are Reagan Academy, have been selected as the Springville Mayor Youth Award recipients for January.

Allman and Wood were nominated by the administration team of the junior high, and Anderson and Cash were by nominated by Assistant Director, Lanny Adamson.

Springville City leadership is grateful to have students in the community who persevere and are striving to improve themselves while being kind, courteous and respectful to other students as well as teachers. (Serve Daily submission by Shannon M. Acor.)

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Savannah Allman and Oliver Wood, both ninth grade students at Springville Junior High School, and Mark Anderson and Addison Cash, fifth and sixth grade students are Reagan Academy, have been selected as the Springville Mayor Youth Award recipients for January.

Allman and Wood were nominated by the administration team of the junior high, and Anderson and Cash were by nominated by Assistant Director, Lanny Adamson.

Springville City leadership is grateful to have students in the community who persevere and are striving to improve themselves while being kind, courteous and respectful to other students as well as teachers. (Serve Daily submission by Shannon M. Acor.)

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