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Valentine’s day was originally conceived to honor Saint Valentine, who was executed on Feb. 14, 269 A.D. for not complying with Roman law.
He was considered a martyr for the Christian faith. Legend has it that before his death he performed a miracle by restoring vision to the blind daughter of his jailer. He wrote a note to her and signed it “from your Valentine.” He was given Sainthood after his death and became an inspiration associated with love and affection.
Today Valentines has become highly commercialized with the marketing of flowers, cards, candy, and restaurant reservations to give the love of your life special attention.
What if you gave the love of your life special attention every day? It doesn’t have to be the purchase of gifts or an expensive meal, because the reality is that you cannot buy love with money.
It is important to give your loved one attention and flirting gestures every day wherever such displays of affection are appropriate.
These acts are essential in maintaining that love affair that began when you discovered you liked each other. Never stop courting the special soul mate in your life, not just on Feb. 14.
If everyone treated every day of their life like Valentine’s Day don’t you think we would have more happy people in this world? It only takes a few moments several times a day to make a difference. The reiteration of our affection for each other leads to an understanding and appreciation of each other’s worth and values.
That could lower the divorce rate and create a better environment to raise children, and perhaps reduce the number of dysfunctional families in the community.
Love is the joy of giving and being loved is the reward that naturally follows. Never get too busy to let your loved one know how important they are in your life.
Let everyday be Valentine’s Day for you and your loved one. (Helmick is a Serve Daily contributor.)
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Valentine’s day was originally conceived to honor Saint Valentine, who was executed on Feb. 14, 269 A.D. for not complying with Roman law.
He was considered a martyr for the Christian faith. Legend has it that before his death he performed a miracle by restoring vision to the blind daughter of his jailer. He wrote a note to her and signed it “from your Valentine.” He was given Sainthood after his death and became an inspiration associated with love and affection.
Today Valentines has become highly commercialized with the marketing of flowers, cards, candy, and restaurant reservations to give the love of your life special attention.
What if you gave the love of your life special attention every day? It doesn’t have to be the purchase of gifts or an expensive meal, because the reality is that you cannot buy love with money.
It is important to give your loved one attention and flirting gestures every day wherever such displays of affection are appropriate.
These acts are essential in maintaining that love affair that began when you discovered you liked each other. Never stop courting the special soul mate in your life, not just on Feb. 14.
If everyone treated every day of their life like Valentine’s Day don’t you think we would have more happy people in this world? It only takes a few moments several times a day to make a difference. The reiteration of our affection for each other leads to an understanding and appreciation of each other’s worth and values.
That could lower the divorce rate and create a better environment to raise children, and perhaps reduce the number of dysfunctional families in the community.
Love is the joy of giving and being loved is the reward that naturally follows. Never get too busy to let your loved one know how important they are in your life.
Let everyday be Valentine’s Day for you and your loved one. (Helmick is a Serve Daily contributor.)