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Springville, UT. April 8, 2020 – After two weeks of discussion, the Springville City Mayor, Council and City Administration announce the postponement of Springville’s Art City Days until June of 2021. Initially, Springville’s Art City Days was scheduled to open Saturday, June 6, and conclude on Saturday, June 13.

“With all the uncertainty associated with the pandemic of COVID-19, and following the counsel of Governor Herbert, the CDC and other health organizations, we unanimously decided to postpone Art City Days,” said Patrick Monney, City Council member, and former chairman of Art City Days.

The first priority of the Mayor, Council and City Administration is the well-being of all citizens of Springville, their friends and families.

Monney further said, “With no set deadlines of when social distancing, isolation or large public gatherings will be removed, it didn’t seem responsible for the well-being of our citizens or for the commitment of several thousands of dollars of our citizens’ monies to be tied up in contracts knowing the strong likelihood that Art City Days would be cancelled.”

Mayor Rick Child said, “Things are difficult all around. Our first priority is to protect our citizens against the effects of the COVID-19 virus. Our second priority and equally as important, is the need to be prudent with the funds of the city.”

All hopes of an annual celebration are not lost with the postponement of Art City Days. There is a possibility of an enhanced Springville City birthday celebration come the end of September, 2020.

“If we are no longer held to the current guidelines associated with large gatherings and social distancing, and the economy starts to show signs of strengthening, then we will welcome the possibility to celebrate not only the birthday of our great community, but also a celebration of the end to an awful pandemic,” said Mayor Child.

But for 2020, the Nestle 5K fun run, rodeo, balloon fest, children’s art festival, fun-a-rama, carnival, booths, art shows, quilting exhibits, car shows, children’s parade, the grand parade, concerts, battle of the bands, talent show contests, balloon fest, fireworks, and all the other events that take place during that first week of June have been postponed until June 2021.
“We look forward to an outstanding Art City Days 2021 with an even greater grand parade because we will have twice as many “school reunion” entries (those who would be celebrating this year, as well as those for next year), and the return of all the great events, booths and festivities that accompany the annual celebration,” said Councilman Monney.

“For this year, we wish all our citizens to be safe, healthy and careful as we continue to flatten the curve and end the spread of COVID-19,” said Mayor Child.

For further information or questions, please contact Shirley Green, with Springville Recreation Department (sgreen@springville.org801-489-2730).

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Springville, UT. April 8, 2020 – After two weeks of discussion, the Springville City Mayor, Council and City Administration announce the postponement of Springville’s Art City Days until June of 2021. Initially, Springville’s Art City Days was scheduled to open Saturday, June 6, and conclude on Saturday, June 13.

“With all the uncertainty associated with the pandemic of COVID-19, and following the counsel of Governor Herbert, the CDC and other health organizations, we unanimously decided to postpone Art City Days,” said Patrick Monney, City Council member, and former chairman of Art City Days.

The first priority of the Mayor, Council and City Administration is the well-being of all citizens of Springville, their friends and families.

Monney further said, “With no set deadlines of when social distancing, isolation or large public gatherings will be removed, it didn’t seem responsible for the well-being of our citizens or for the commitment of several thousands of dollars of our citizens’ monies to be tied up in contracts knowing the strong likelihood that Art City Days would be cancelled.”

Mayor Rick Child said, “Things are difficult all around. Our first priority is to protect our citizens against the effects of the COVID-19 virus. Our second priority and equally as important, is the need to be prudent with the funds of the city.”

All hopes of an annual celebration are not lost with the postponement of Art City Days. There is a possibility of an enhanced Springville City birthday celebration come the end of September, 2020.

“If we are no longer held to the current guidelines associated with large gatherings and social distancing, and the economy starts to show signs of strengthening, then we will welcome the possibility to celebrate not only the birthday of our great community, but also a celebration of the end to an awful pandemic,” said Mayor Child.

But for 2020, the Nestle 5K fun run, rodeo, balloon fest, children’s art festival, fun-a-rama, carnival, booths, art shows, quilting exhibits, car shows, children’s parade, the grand parade, concerts, battle of the bands, talent show contests, balloon fest, fireworks, and all the other events that take place during that first week of June have been postponed until June 2021.
“We look forward to an outstanding Art City Days 2021 with an even greater grand parade because we will have twice as many “school reunion” entries (those who would be celebrating this year, as well as those for next year), and the return of all the great events, booths and festivities that accompany the annual celebration,” said Councilman Monney.

“For this year, we wish all our citizens to be safe, healthy and careful as we continue to flatten the curve and end the spread of COVID-19,” said Mayor Child.

For further information or questions, please contact Shirley Green, with Springville Recreation Department (sgreen@springville.org801-489-2730).

Chris Baird
Chris Bairdhttps://servedaily.com
Chris is a family man with a beautiful wife and four kids. Three Girls, One Boy. He enjoys playing basketball, being outdoors, and the old normal.

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