Schools – Grants

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The Nebo Education Foundation is composed of 20 volunteer board members who live in cities served by the Nebo School District. Board members meet each month to review and award grant requests, consider fund-raising avenues and other items that advance the educational opportunities for Nebo School District students.

These grants are funded through the fundraising efforts of the Nebo Education Foundation board.

One fundraising effort is the annual “Green Fever” golf tournament that helps fund these various grants throughout the year.The “Green Fever” tournament is postponed until Aug. 31. The morning flight is full, but the noon flight is still accepting golfers and donations.

The Nebo Foundation also accepts donations from individuals and businesses to support these grants and other projects.

Teachers recognized include:

Springville Junior High School – Stephanie Riggs

“I would like to thank the Nebo Foundation for this amazing grant to expand my classroom library with more diverse reading options. Over the past eight years, I found that my biggest hurdle for increasing adolescent literacy is finding books that each student can identify with.”

Brookside Elementary – Christina Broussard

“We are very excited to receive this grant from the Nebo Education Foundation. Our students are encouraged to use technology in our classrooms as part of our ever-increasing technology world grows. We will be putting the grant towards headphones that will be an indispensable tool for our students to engage in the world of technology.

Art City Elementary – Sheriece Farr

“Thank you so much for fulfilling the needs of all the students at Art City Elementary by funding my grant. We are so excited to be receiving new headphones for our computer lab! We have so many sets of headphones currently that only work on one side, and they are especially uncomfortable for small people to wear. The students will be thrilled with new, more comfortable headphones, and so excited to be able to record their own voices to their Google Slides projects and to facilitate their Imagine Learning experiences in the lab, not to mention so many other things.”

Maple Ridge Elementary – Vanessa Schmidt

“This will be so helpful to the students that I serve in the resource room. These decodable readers will target the specific skills that we have been working on for the duration of the lessons that are being taught in the SPIRE reading program. These readers will provide students with topics that cover many genres, including social studies, science, and literature. Students will be able to apply the skills that they have learned connected to text. The readers are appropriate for my students reading levels and abilities and can bridge learning from decoding to fluency and comprehension. (Serve Daily submission.)

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The Nebo Education Foundation is composed of 20 volunteer board members who live in cities served by the Nebo School District. Board members meet each month to review and award grant requests, consider fund-raising avenues and other items that advance the educational opportunities for Nebo School District students.

These grants are funded through the fundraising efforts of the Nebo Education Foundation board.

One fundraising effort is the annual “Green Fever” golf tournament that helps fund these various grants throughout the year.The “Green Fever” tournament is postponed until Aug. 31. The morning flight is full, but the noon flight is still accepting golfers and donations.

The Nebo Foundation also accepts donations from individuals and businesses to support these grants and other projects.

Teachers recognized include:

Springville Junior High School – Stephanie Riggs

“I would like to thank the Nebo Foundation for this amazing grant to expand my classroom library with more diverse reading options. Over the past eight years, I found that my biggest hurdle for increasing adolescent literacy is finding books that each student can identify with.”

Brookside Elementary – Christina Broussard

“We are very excited to receive this grant from the Nebo Education Foundation. Our students are encouraged to use technology in our classrooms as part of our ever-increasing technology world grows. We will be putting the grant towards headphones that will be an indispensable tool for our students to engage in the world of technology.

Art City Elementary – Sheriece Farr

“Thank you so much for fulfilling the needs of all the students at Art City Elementary by funding my grant. We are so excited to be receiving new headphones for our computer lab! We have so many sets of headphones currently that only work on one side, and they are especially uncomfortable for small people to wear. The students will be thrilled with new, more comfortable headphones, and so excited to be able to record their own voices to their Google Slides projects and to facilitate their Imagine Learning experiences in the lab, not to mention so many other things.”

Maple Ridge Elementary – Vanessa Schmidt

“This will be so helpful to the students that I serve in the resource room. These decodable readers will target the specific skills that we have been working on for the duration of the lessons that are being taught in the SPIRE reading program. These readers will provide students with topics that cover many genres, including social studies, science, and literature. Students will be able to apply the skills that they have learned connected to text. The readers are appropriate for my students reading levels and abilities and can bridge learning from decoding to fluency and comprehension. (Serve Daily submission.)

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