New charity works to give hope to adult survivors of sex trafficking

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By Brijin Jensen

A new charitable organization, Dahlia’s Hope, is open to provide adult survivors of sex trafficking with comprehensive aftercare services, including clinical and recreational therapy, medical and dental services, education and vocational training, and job and life skills training. 

This Utah organization is one of the only comprehensive aftercare services in the nation for trafficking survivors. Today, Dahlia’s Hope offers outpatient treatment for adult (18 years and older) survivors.

“The purpose of Dahlia’s Hope is to meet each adult survivor of sex trafficking where they are in their healing journey and help them advance effectively with licensed clinical care, education, love, and hope,” said Caroline Marriott, executive clinical director. “Some survivors have pieced together their own resources, perhaps finding employment or a place to live, but they haven’t benefited from therapy or medical attention. Our community and nation need more places where a survivor can receive comprehensive care – where they can receive the resources, skills and support they need to build a self-reliant, successful life. Dahlia’s Hope exists to fill that need.” 

Dahlia’s Hope will be working with local hospitals, police departments, urgent care clinics, shelters and first responders to care for survivors of sex trafficking. 

Sex trafficking is “when force, fraud, or coercion is used to make someone perform sex acts.” It is important to note that the person who is forcing the victim into slavery is the only one who makes money from sex trafficking. While more than 80 percent are thought to be female, boys and men are also trafficked. 

A commonality that victims possess is some sort of vulnerability which can include homelessness, poverty, abuse, addiction, neglect, poor family relations, and isolation. Traffickers exploit these victims and their vulnerabilities to draw them into sex trafficking. Anyone who is an adult survivor is encouraged to contact Dahlia’s Hope at 801-885-6294 or (Serve Daily submission.)

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