When Serving Others, Let Them Eat Cupcakes!

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When I was a little girl my birthday was the second most exciting day of the year, second only to Christmas.

My mom knew how to make a kid feel loved. Growing up on the farm we didn’t do things like the town kids did. 

I only had store bought cereal on my birthday or on one of my siblings’ birthday. Walking down the cereal aisle at the grocery store was like a trip to Disneyland, and on my birthday, it was my trip.

Dinner was also ours to choose and it came along with a red plate with the words “You’re Special” written around the rim. No chores, none whatsoever. Just a day to yourself. As a child that was more magical than even the presents.

Today that tradition still runs true in our home, although our children pretty much can have cereal anytime they want, but the no work and the dinner of their choice probably rides right up there with the anticipation of their gifts. 

I have watched my children through the years and have loved to see the excitement on their special day but as child after child has grown up and left the home, the magic is kind of fizzling out.

Our youngest is fifteen, and although he still milks the no chores day and I can do anything I want day, it’s still not the same. I’m enjoying grandbabies, and seeing the excitement start all over in the next generation, but I got to wondering, why does some of that magic leave with the reality of adulthood?  Hence the next project for the Gibson family.  

Now if you ask my husband he will tell you we are a little crazy, and probably my kids will agree, but why can’t there still be magic, and not the grown-up do something big for your birthday kind of magic, but the childlike enchantment of a day just your own? 

Why can’t there just be the magic of being remembered? Of being someone special? So that was the plan. Help the adult folk in our neighborhood feel remembered on their birthday. Something simple. It doesn’t take much for someone to know they matter, that their day is special.

Last week almost every day had a birthday for a neighbor in our area, and I’m not talking the children. This week only had one. Next week we have four. But the plan is to visit each one of them for the next year with a cupcake or treat and a happy birthday from the Gibsons.

And maybe some of our neighbors, or perhaps all of them, will think us odd, but I’m pretty sure their day might have just a little bit more magic in it. 

It doesn’t take much to do something nice for someone else. 

It has been amazing watching the difference it has brought to our home as we have brainstormed to come up with little ways to bring light to those around us, and I know through the years acts of kindness that have been sent our way has always made all the difference.

If you have noticed these little acts of service happening around you or perhaps you have been the recipient of someone’s kindness and you would like to share your story shoot me an email at angiscreations1@gmail.com.

Share the good and let’s see how little things can spread and multiply in our neighborhoods. (Gibson is a Serve Daily contributor.)

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When I was a little girl my birthday was the second most exciting day of the year, second only to Christmas.

My mom knew how to make a kid feel loved. Growing up on the farm we didn’t do things like the town kids did. 

I only had store bought cereal on my birthday or on one of my siblings’ birthday. Walking down the cereal aisle at the grocery store was like a trip to Disneyland, and on my birthday, it was my trip.

Dinner was also ours to choose and it came along with a red plate with the words “You’re Special” written around the rim. No chores, none whatsoever. Just a day to yourself. As a child that was more magical than even the presents.

Today that tradition still runs true in our home, although our children pretty much can have cereal anytime they want, but the no work and the dinner of their choice probably rides right up there with the anticipation of their gifts. 

I have watched my children through the years and have loved to see the excitement on their special day but as child after child has grown up and left the home, the magic is kind of fizzling out.

Our youngest is fifteen, and although he still milks the no chores day and I can do anything I want day, it’s still not the same. I’m enjoying grandbabies, and seeing the excitement start all over in the next generation, but I got to wondering, why does some of that magic leave with the reality of adulthood?  Hence the next project for the Gibson family.  

Now if you ask my husband he will tell you we are a little crazy, and probably my kids will agree, but why can’t there still be magic, and not the grown-up do something big for your birthday kind of magic, but the childlike enchantment of a day just your own? 

Why can’t there just be the magic of being remembered? Of being someone special? So that was the plan. Help the adult folk in our neighborhood feel remembered on their birthday. Something simple. It doesn’t take much for someone to know they matter, that their day is special.

Last week almost every day had a birthday for a neighbor in our area, and I’m not talking the children. This week only had one. Next week we have four. But the plan is to visit each one of them for the next year with a cupcake or treat and a happy birthday from the Gibsons.

And maybe some of our neighbors, or perhaps all of them, will think us odd, but I’m pretty sure their day might have just a little bit more magic in it. 

It doesn’t take much to do something nice for someone else. 

It has been amazing watching the difference it has brought to our home as we have brainstormed to come up with little ways to bring light to those around us, and I know through the years acts of kindness that have been sent our way has always made all the difference.

If you have noticed these little acts of service happening around you or perhaps you have been the recipient of someone’s kindness and you would like to share your story shoot me an email at angiscreations1@gmail.com.

Share the good and let’s see how little things can spread and multiply in our neighborhoods. (Gibson is a Serve Daily contributor.)

Angi Gibson
Angi Gibsonhttp://angiscribbles.blogspot.com/
Angi grew up on a small sheep farm in Central Utah and currently lives in the foothills of a growing town in Northern Utah County. She is a wife, mother to six and grandmother to four active boys. Along with her husband, Jason, they run a busy family business chasing from one end of the state to the other. Angi loves writing, gardening, and finding gratitude moments in everything.

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