Community members rally to help Hondurans displaced by hurricanes

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In November 2020, Honduras was battered by two hurricanes—one a category 4 and the other a category 5. 

Hurricanes Eta and Iota created paths of destruction across Central America and displaced hundreds of thousands of people in Honduras, Nicaragua, and Guatemala. 

In response to the devastation, religious and local community leaders in Santaquin extended a plea for life-saving and comfort-producing supplies to send to the people of Honduras. The community responded in a big way. 

Within just three weeks, Santaquin residents and others donated enough supplies to fill up the cultural hall in a local stake center for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 

Volunteers donated their time and vehicles to help pick up items and drop them off at the stake center. Donations included everything from personal hygiene supplies to bedding and gardening tools. 

Additional volunteers helped sort through the thousands of donations and organize them into categories so they could be easily distributed once delivered to Honduras. 

Once all donations were collected and organized, volunteers helped load them into a 40-foot shipping container so the supplies could be delivered to Honduras. 

This last task took some creative maneuvering to fit all of the supplies into the provided container. 

The local stake presidency for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints who oversaw the project expressed their deep appreciation for the generosity of all who donated their time, supplies, and money to help bring relief to Hondurans in need of a helping hand. (Peterson is a Serve Daily contributor.)

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In November 2020, Honduras was battered by two hurricanes—one a category 4 and the other a category 5. 

Hurricanes Eta and Iota created paths of destruction across Central America and displaced hundreds of thousands of people in Honduras, Nicaragua, and Guatemala. 

In response to the devastation, religious and local community leaders in Santaquin extended a plea for life-saving and comfort-producing supplies to send to the people of Honduras. The community responded in a big way. 

Within just three weeks, Santaquin residents and others donated enough supplies to fill up the cultural hall in a local stake center for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 

Volunteers donated their time and vehicles to help pick up items and drop them off at the stake center. Donations included everything from personal hygiene supplies to bedding and gardening tools. 

Additional volunteers helped sort through the thousands of donations and organize them into categories so they could be easily distributed once delivered to Honduras. 

Once all donations were collected and organized, volunteers helped load them into a 40-foot shipping container so the supplies could be delivered to Honduras. 

This last task took some creative maneuvering to fit all of the supplies into the provided container. 

The local stake presidency for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints who oversaw the project expressed their deep appreciation for the generosity of all who donated their time, supplies, and money to help bring relief to Hondurans in need of a helping hand. (Peterson is a Serve Daily contributor.)

Shellie Peterson
Shellie Peterson
Shellie Peterson is a mom, wife and freelance writer. She currently lives in Santaquin with her husband and daughter. In her spare time, she loves to sing, read, write and spend as much time as possible camping.

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