Fond Memories in the Wake of Sad Times

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Local company employees devote time to give family facing loss a gift of love 

CR Doors and Moulding was given the opportunity in December to build a playhouse for the Smith family. Brittany Smith was diagnosed with terminal adrenocortical carcinoma.

Of course CR Doors and Moulding jumped on the opportunity to give to the two young boys of Brittany Smith. Once the playhouse was completed the house was raffled off to help pay for the medical bills acquired by the small family.

Originally CR Doors, which is a local company found in Springville, had assumed the playhouse was being directly donated to the boys as a gift to them in a very sad time. After they realized that it was being raffled off for much needed funds to pay for Brittany’s treatment, Ken Sevy, Clint Robertson, Brent Lofgran, and Dono Peterson from CR Doors knew they needed to make a special place just for those boys to slip away from the worries of the world.

So, with past experience building playhouses and play saloons, the four men quickly set to building. The saloon took under a week to build, with swinging saloon doors and hand carved old west six shooters that Ken Sevy spent hours carving. 

“I was just happy to be there and to donate my time,” Peterson said.

Sadly, the boys lost their mother before the raffle could even be completed and Christmas was not the same this last year. In January the saloon was finished and piled on the trailer to be delivered to the two boys who were now living with their grandmother in Fountain Green.  

“We all feel good about projects like this and being involved,” Sevy responded as he talked about the project, and all who know those four men would remark on their good hearts and serving spirits.

Through the years CR Doors and Moulding and their friends and employees have spent countless hours giving back to the community around them. 

When there is a need that arises and an opportunity to give they are always willing to donate time and funds to bless those in their community.

If you know of others who are giving back in our communities, we would love to spotlight the good that they do. No matter the unrest and anger in our world that seems to be spotlighted all over the evening news, there are still those around us that know how to come together, to share their time, talents, and the extra they can to make the world a little kinder, a little softer and remind us all that we are in this together and there are endless ways in which we can give back. (Gibson is a Serve Daily contributor.)

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Local company employees devote time to give family facing loss a gift of love 

CR Doors and Moulding was given the opportunity in December to build a playhouse for the Smith family. Brittany Smith was diagnosed with terminal adrenocortical carcinoma.

Of course CR Doors and Moulding jumped on the opportunity to give to the two young boys of Brittany Smith. Once the playhouse was completed the house was raffled off to help pay for the medical bills acquired by the small family.

Originally CR Doors, which is a local company found in Springville, had assumed the playhouse was being directly donated to the boys as a gift to them in a very sad time. After they realized that it was being raffled off for much needed funds to pay for Brittany’s treatment, Ken Sevy, Clint Robertson, Brent Lofgran, and Dono Peterson from CR Doors knew they needed to make a special place just for those boys to slip away from the worries of the world.

So, with past experience building playhouses and play saloons, the four men quickly set to building. The saloon took under a week to build, with swinging saloon doors and hand carved old west six shooters that Ken Sevy spent hours carving. 

“I was just happy to be there and to donate my time,” Peterson said.

Sadly, the boys lost their mother before the raffle could even be completed and Christmas was not the same this last year. In January the saloon was finished and piled on the trailer to be delivered to the two boys who were now living with their grandmother in Fountain Green.  

“We all feel good about projects like this and being involved,” Sevy responded as he talked about the project, and all who know those four men would remark on their good hearts and serving spirits.

Through the years CR Doors and Moulding and their friends and employees have spent countless hours giving back to the community around them. 

When there is a need that arises and an opportunity to give they are always willing to donate time and funds to bless those in their community.

If you know of others who are giving back in our communities, we would love to spotlight the good that they do. No matter the unrest and anger in our world that seems to be spotlighted all over the evening news, there are still those around us that know how to come together, to share their time, talents, and the extra they can to make the world a little kinder, a little softer and remind us all that we are in this together and there are endless ways in which we can give back. (Gibson is a Serve Daily contributor.)

Angi Gibson
Angi Gibson
Angi grew up on a small sheep farm in Central Utah and currently lives in the foothills of a growing town in Northern Utah County. She is a wife, mother to six and grandmother to four active boys. Along with her husband, Jason, they run a busy family business chasing from one end of the state to the other. Angi loves writing, gardening, and finding gratitude moments in everything.

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