Local business and charity join forces to help the community they serve

Axcess Accident Center has joined forces with Tabitha’s Way to focus on helping the community in February.
Throughout 2020, many companies, people and communities felt the impact of a shifting society and economics. As we continue to look for ways to Serve Daily, we found another company that has continued to see where they can impact their community by helping people feel great and at the same time give back to people in the community that they do business in. For February we would even go as far as to say it’s the Love and Serve Daily attitude.
Many people in the community know Tabitha’s Way and what they provide for the community. If you don’t know, it’s a local food pantry that helps families and individuals through tough times. They provide food assistance, recommend resources for self-reliance, and focus on neighbors helping neighbors. Last year a rough one year for them as their requests for help rose and their donations went down from previous years.
They have still been able to help many, but their goal of helping those who need help is limited to what resources they have available. Wendy Osbourne, who runs Tabitha’s Way, wants to continue to impact the community as much as possible. She cares about her community and about her staff as well. The heart and love for her neighbors and friends is limitless.
Another business in the community that has been dedicated to helping others since they opened their doors in 2015 is Axcess Accident Center, or previously known as Spanish Fork Chiropractic and Accident Rehabilitation. This clinic was founded with the intention of helping those injured in a car accident have an integrative health care approach while renewing a patient’s vitality. With this vision they have become a name known in the community.
They even offer additional discounts to first responders and students. Dr. Steve Baker, owner, and Dr. Andy White, lead doctor, are dedicated to this vision and have many services to deliver on this. Baker met Wendy in 2020 and has heard about some of the needs in the community and when he heard about this he continued to wonder where he could contribute. As time went on, he talked with the other Axcess Accident Center clinics in Provo and American Fork and came up with a solution that could make anyone happy, healthy and allow them to contribute to their health while contributing to the community.
When talking with Baker about what he was planning to do to impact the community he stated “Both Axcess and Tabitha’s Way have seen a slowdown in their business activities, but that does not mean that we still cannot impact our communities that we reside in.
Our life blood is the community and people we serve. We love giving back and love those who we serve daily.”
Throughout the month of February all of the Utah County Axcess Accident Center Locations will be accepting food donations and giving 50 percent of each paid adjustment when a patient requests that it be donated to Tabitha’s Way. This means that when a person pays at the time of service, $40 for their treatment, that $20 of the payment will be donated back to Tabitha’s Way. The other way is to bring in 10 canned goods to receive $20 off the adjustment or acupuncture service. Each week both Axcess and Tabitha’s Way will put out a request for food items that are needed on their Facebook pages.
To get an idea of how many people this could impact we talked with Wendy. She stated “With $20 being donated we could serve up to 90 meals. This would definitely help with our ability to serve the community”
Axcess’ goal is to provide 10,000 meals through their efforts in February. Besides Chiropractic Adjustments, this will also include Acupuncture and Ozone Injections. You must let them know you want your visit to be donated to Tabitha’s Way and 50 percent of your payment will go to the Food Pantry.
Another simple way to help is to donate items such as clothing or fabrics of any kind, bedding, blankets, pillows, shoes, belts, bags, backpacks, purses, or books. If the items you want to donate aren’t on this list, please do not drop them off at one of the bins. Visit donations2feed.com/bin-locations/ to find a local bin near you.
This month is one where we all want to show our love for each other and strive to be healthy. Take this month to serve others by giving to your own health and wellbeing. Axcess will let you buy up to four gift certificates to give to others during this campaign. You can also donate money directly to Tabitha’s way at any Axcess Accident Center in February without being treated. All of the direct donations will be given to Tabitha’s Way. Pay it forward, impact the community with love, and serve daily.
Love the positivity!