Old School Social Media with a Purpose

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Serve Daily is a community newspaper with a simple vision. It is right in our title: Serve Daily. Provide service, big or small, to everyone you meet, every day.

Our mission is to share those stories. You are part of the community, and we want to share your vision and your ideas on how to make our communities stronger.

We welcome your input, whether you are a business owner or just a member of your community. We all have a story to share, and we want to share yours.

We also all have challenges, triumphs, and setbacks, and dreams for tomorrow. We want to be the bulletin board to spread the news on them and where we might better serve one another, as a community, and this includes not only individuals and families, but business owners.

To be a business owner requires a depth of knowledge few who do not walk in your path fully understand. Your knowledge is valuable and worthy of being shared.

If you have tips for readers in your area of expertise, we will share them with our audience as editorial content.

If submitting articles to Serve Daily, we try (as best we can) to follow Associated Press Stylebook guidelines for journalism.

Articles should be written in the third person, and opinions should be attributed to a source (not the author).

Article length should be (as much as practical) limited to no more than 600 words.

If submitting photographs to accompany the article, please submit them in jpg format in high resolution. Feel free to email them to editor@servedaily.com and include contact information in the body of the email.

We believe a newspaper that remains grounded in its core vision will always remain relevant.

When you submit an article to Serve Daily, your article will have your byline at the top of the article. If you are a business owner, non-profit, or affiliated with another organization then in parenthesis we will publish a sentence on your organization at the end of the article.

There are so many stories out there worthy of being shared, and we want to share them all.

Newspapers are in many ways going through an identity crisis as they strive to remain relevant in a digital world. We believe a newspaper that remains grounded in its core vision will always remain relevant. 

Our vision is that everyone in our community is relevant, you are all news to us, and we all have the capacity to serve someone daily.

We will not muddy the water between our editorial section (our articles) and our advertising section. One is meant to inform, and perhaps, on occasion, inspire. The other is the advertising from businesses in our community who provide a service for everyone. (Davis is editor of Serve Daily.)

Submit articles here.

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Serve Daily is a community newspaper with a simple vision. It is right in our title: Serve Daily. Provide service, big or small, to everyone you meet, every day.

Our mission is to share those stories. You are part of the community, and we want to share your vision and your ideas on how to make our communities stronger.

We welcome your input, whether you are a business owner or just a member of your community. We all have a story to share, and we want to share yours.

We also all have challenges, triumphs, and setbacks, and dreams for tomorrow. We want to be the bulletin board to spread the news on them and where we might better serve one another, as a community, and this includes not only individuals and families, but business owners.

To be a business owner requires a depth of knowledge few who do not walk in your path fully understand. Your knowledge is valuable and worthy of being shared.

If you have tips for readers in your area of expertise, we will share them with our audience as editorial content.

If submitting articles to Serve Daily, we try (as best we can) to follow Associated Press Stylebook guidelines for journalism.

Articles should be written in the third person, and opinions should be attributed to a source (not the author).

Article length should be (as much as practical) limited to no more than 600 words.

If submitting photographs to accompany the article, please submit them in jpg format in high resolution. Feel free to email them to editor@servedaily.com and include contact information in the body of the email.

We believe a newspaper that remains grounded in its core vision will always remain relevant.

When you submit an article to Serve Daily, your article will have your byline at the top of the article. If you are a business owner, non-profit, or affiliated with another organization then in parenthesis we will publish a sentence on your organization at the end of the article.

There are so many stories out there worthy of being shared, and we want to share them all.

Newspapers are in many ways going through an identity crisis as they strive to remain relevant in a digital world. We believe a newspaper that remains grounded in its core vision will always remain relevant. 

Our vision is that everyone in our community is relevant, you are all news to us, and we all have the capacity to serve someone daily.

We will not muddy the water between our editorial section (our articles) and our advertising section. One is meant to inform, and perhaps, on occasion, inspire. The other is the advertising from businesses in our community who provide a service for everyone. (Davis is editor of Serve Daily.)

Submit articles here.

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Visit our Forms to submit a recipe, obituary, contact us, or submit news. 

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