‘Tis the season to pick pumpkins, and there are many places to do just that right here in south Utah County.
Here’s a roundup of local pumpkin patches that can serve your jack-o-lantering needs and beyond this Halloween and fall season:
Jaker’s Jack-O-Lanterns
It’s quite possible that you have seen the Howard Farm produce stands throughout the county. If you have, that delicious, home grown produce comes from the very same place as the pumpkins at Jaker’s Pumpkin Patch.
Jake Howard is over the produce end of Howard Farms in Springville that has been family owned since 1945. The pumpkin patch itself is located on 950 West 400 South in Springville, and offers a wide variety of pumpkins – many of its pumpkins are also sold locally at Costco.
If you visit the Jaker’s Jack-O-Lanterns pumpkin patch, however, don’t forget to enjoy the petting zoo, corn “maize” and straw maze, corn fountain and corn pit, slides and much more. New this year, is a train ride that takes visitors on a tour of the farm.

The price is $6 per person, and guests 2 years old and under are free.
Glen Ray’s Corn Maze & Pumpkin Patch
150 years and six generations ago, this family farm began, and is now a main attraction for Spanish Fork residents and beyond. The pumpkin patch offers a wide variety of pumpkins grown on its two acres of pumpkin patches.
The pumpkin patch that also has a corn maze, a super slide, straw bale pyramid and much more is located at 1750 West 800 South in Spanish Fork. Tickets can be purchased by going to glenrayscornmaze.com
Gordo’s Fun Farm
Also in Spanish Fork in the Lakeshore community is Gordo’s Fun Farm. This family owned farm has been around since the 1990’s, and offers pumpkins for the picking, a corn maze, train rides, places to have your family photo taken, and much more all for the price of $8.50 per person with children under 2 years old free.
Gordo’s Family Farm is located at 3259 West 5600 South in Spanish Fork.
A Country Farm
If you’re looking for a place that small and inexpensive with just as many amenities, A Country Farm is what you’re looking for.
This family owned farm is located at 4058 West 9600 South in Payson, and offers an a la carte menu of activities from .50 cents to only a few dollars each. Things like duck dippin’, fish pond, Jack-o-lantern toss, straw maze, petting zoo, hay ride, a witches kitchen, face painting, crafts, snacks and of course, a pumpkin patch are all offered at a choose-your-activity price.
Cherry Hill Farms
Cherry Hill Farms in Santaquin was established in 1957. Today, Cherry Hill Farms is not only one of the largest peach and cherry producers in the state of Utah, but is also a major source of the cherries, peaches, and apples distributed across the western United States.
New this year is the corn maze, pumpkin patch, cherry pit sandbox, corn hole and other fun activities.
On October 14, 15, and 28th from 8pm – 10pm Cherry Hill Farms will have a Glow in the Dark Night.
Located at 290 north 400 East Santaquin and open until October 29th, closed Sundays. You can purchase tickets at cherryhillfarms.com
Have fun getting lost in the corn maizes.