Volunteers to Help Community Members in Need

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By Louise Payne

Do you have a couple hours about once a month (not locked into certain weeks/dates) for what you would be willing to be placed on a service on-call list (to accept service calls if/as available on any given week) for members in our community who may have a simple need (nothing requiring heavy lifting or transporting people) such as writing a letter, organizing a cupboard, mending an article of clothing, taking out the trash, and so forth.

The hours would be M-F from 10-Noon, Noon-2pm or 6-8pm (you decide for what of those times you are willing to be on-call and you are not expected to be available every time that you are called as many will be on the list and recipients know that it is based on volunteer availability, but when you are available to serve, it can be a blessing to a community member to have the an hour of your time (two hours are allowed in each shift to allow for various times of need and for any commuting involved, but the recipients will know that they are blessed with one hour within that two hour shift time if/as volunteers are available).

This list will be sent to the Senior Centers and Charity Groups in the Valley for them to contact you as needs arise. To be placed on this list, contact serveutahvalley@gmail.com.

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By Louise Payne

Do you have a couple hours about once a month (not locked into certain weeks/dates) for what you would be willing to be placed on a service on-call list (to accept service calls if/as available on any given week) for members in our community who may have a simple need (nothing requiring heavy lifting or transporting people) such as writing a letter, organizing a cupboard, mending an article of clothing, taking out the trash, and so forth.

The hours would be M-F from 10-Noon, Noon-2pm or 6-8pm (you decide for what of those times you are willing to be on-call and you are not expected to be available every time that you are called as many will be on the list and recipients know that it is based on volunteer availability, but when you are available to serve, it can be a blessing to a community member to have the an hour of your time (two hours are allowed in each shift to allow for various times of need and for any commuting involved, but the recipients will know that they are blessed with one hour within that two hour shift time if/as volunteers are available).

This list will be sent to the Senior Centers and Charity Groups in the Valley for them to contact you as needs arise. To be placed on this list, contact serveutahvalley@gmail.com.

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