Nebo School District gives Award to SFHS educator

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Hashtag Award! No, not #award, but an actual “Hashtag Award” was given to Spanish Fork High School’s PR Ambassador Seth Spainwater.

This award is given to the school that communicates to their parents and students, in a variety of ways, to let people be aware of the events and important news items happening at school. 

Spanish Fork High has posted over 55 stories on their website so far this year with many more on social media. Also, the school also has approximately 259% of their student enrollment connected on social media to get the latest news from the school. 

“Seth is amazing at taking on any assignment given to him,”  Spanish Fork High Administration said. “When given the School PR Ambassador role, he jumped in and embraced the challenge despite the fact he does not do social media on a personal level.  From the beginning, Seth’s focus has been on celebrating our students’ accomplishments at Spanish Fork High School. He seeks out individuals and groups that are often overlooked and under-represented. Seth is a tremendous asset to our administrative team and to our school community.” 

When asked about the award, Spainwater said that the award meant a lot to him.

“This recognition brings a lot of joy to me,” he said. “Not just because we were able to take a picture holding the infamous Traveling #Hashtag Trophy, but because it means that wonderful things are happening at Spanish Fork High School.  It’s a privilege to highlight our amazing students, faculty, and all of the exciting events taking place at our school. Spanish Fork High is such a great place to be! It’s filled with the best kids, and surrounded by the best community. People inside the school and in the community are passionate about learning and providing worthwhile experiences for our students. It’s a privilege to share these celebrations and help highlight the good news about what’s going on! I truly believe that our website and social media pages prove that ‘everyday is a great day to be a Don!’” 

Lana Hiskey, the Nebo Communications Administrator, presented the award to School PR Ambassador Seth Spainhower and the SFHS Administration team. Congratulations on a job well done!

Go check out all the wonderful things that are happening at Spanish Fork High School on Facebook. 

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Hashtag Award! No, not #award, but an actual “Hashtag Award” was given to Spanish Fork High School’s PR Ambassador Seth Spainwater.

This award is given to the school that communicates to their parents and students, in a variety of ways, to let people be aware of the events and important news items happening at school. 

Spanish Fork High has posted over 55 stories on their website so far this year with many more on social media. Also, the school also has approximately 259% of their student enrollment connected on social media to get the latest news from the school. 

“Seth is amazing at taking on any assignment given to him,”  Spanish Fork High Administration said. “When given the School PR Ambassador role, he jumped in and embraced the challenge despite the fact he does not do social media on a personal level.  From the beginning, Seth’s focus has been on celebrating our students’ accomplishments at Spanish Fork High School. He seeks out individuals and groups that are often overlooked and under-represented. Seth is a tremendous asset to our administrative team and to our school community.” 

When asked about the award, Spainwater said that the award meant a lot to him.

“This recognition brings a lot of joy to me,” he said. “Not just because we were able to take a picture holding the infamous Traveling #Hashtag Trophy, but because it means that wonderful things are happening at Spanish Fork High School.  It’s a privilege to highlight our amazing students, faculty, and all of the exciting events taking place at our school. Spanish Fork High is such a great place to be! It’s filled with the best kids, and surrounded by the best community. People inside the school and in the community are passionate about learning and providing worthwhile experiences for our students. It’s a privilege to share these celebrations and help highlight the good news about what’s going on! I truly believe that our website and social media pages prove that ‘everyday is a great day to be a Don!’” 

Lana Hiskey, the Nebo Communications Administrator, presented the award to School PR Ambassador Seth Spainhower and the SFHS Administration team. Congratulations on a job well done!

Go check out all the wonderful things that are happening at Spanish Fork High School on Facebook. 

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