SHS’s Key Club: The Key to the Heart of the Springville-Mapleton Community

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The strengthening of any community is built on the foundation of service. At Springville High School, an organization called Key Club consists of students who give of their time and efforts to provide service to our local community. With their diligent efforts, many service projects have come to fruition, and there’s a chance you’ve witnessed their projects in action or benefited directly or even indirectly from the group’s services.

In fact, just this past Holiday season, the SHS Key Club was able to team up with city workers to hang some of the lights on the trees by the splash pad by City Hall. In another service event, the club helped label all the donated bags from Reams with the stickers needed for the annual Kiwanis Christmas Food Drive. Also, during the annual Kiwanis Food Drive, SHS Key Club members helped set up, organize and sort the large amount of donations. 

Recent SHS Key Club service projects have included sponsoring the angel escorts for SHS’s Sweethearts dance, assembling Easter baskets for the Springville Food Pantry, and putting on a talent showcase for residents at Spring Gardens Assisted Living in Mapleton. 

Since 2022, club members have volunteered to take special needs students from Springville High to their Sweethearts dance and provide a night of fun and unforgettable memories. This year, they began a service project where they planned and performed a talent showcase for the senior citizens at the Spring Gardens Assisted Living Center in Mapleton to bring joy and laughter.

Another place you will find the work of Key Club students is at Springville High School. The artists behind the murals found in the underground track at Springville High and by the main gym are none other than Key Club members. 

Being deeply immersed in the community means that Key Club is busy year-round in ways to improve the quality of life in the Springville and Mapleton communities. 

If you ask any Key Club member, each will say that serving others not only helps the community at large, but builds lasting friendships and memories. Springville’s Key Club chapter has almost 100 members, and is growing as each stands strong together in their dedication to the betterment of the community.

Key Club is open to any student interested in serving the community. For more information go to, and scroll down to Key Club.

Submitted By Nephi Spendlove

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The strengthening of any community is built on the foundation of service. At Springville High School, an organization called Key Club consists of students who give of their time and efforts to provide service to our local community. With their diligent efforts, many service projects have come to fruition, and there’s a chance you’ve witnessed their projects in action or benefited directly or even indirectly from the group’s services.

In fact, just this past Holiday season, the SHS Key Club was able to team up with city workers to hang some of the lights on the trees by the splash pad by City Hall. In another service event, the club helped label all the donated bags from Reams with the stickers needed for the annual Kiwanis Christmas Food Drive. Also, during the annual Kiwanis Food Drive, SHS Key Club members helped set up, organize and sort the large amount of donations. 

Recent SHS Key Club service projects have included sponsoring the angel escorts for SHS’s Sweethearts dance, assembling Easter baskets for the Springville Food Pantry, and putting on a talent showcase for residents at Spring Gardens Assisted Living in Mapleton. 

Since 2022, club members have volunteered to take special needs students from Springville High to their Sweethearts dance and provide a night of fun and unforgettable memories. This year, they began a service project where they planned and performed a talent showcase for the senior citizens at the Spring Gardens Assisted Living Center in Mapleton to bring joy and laughter.

Another place you will find the work of Key Club students is at Springville High School. The artists behind the murals found in the underground track at Springville High and by the main gym are none other than Key Club members. 

Being deeply immersed in the community means that Key Club is busy year-round in ways to improve the quality of life in the Springville and Mapleton communities. 

If you ask any Key Club member, each will say that serving others not only helps the community at large, but builds lasting friendships and memories. Springville’s Key Club chapter has almost 100 members, and is growing as each stands strong together in their dedication to the betterment of the community.

Key Club is open to any student interested in serving the community. For more information go to, and scroll down to Key Club.

Submitted By Nephi Spendlove

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