Can You Name 12 Crucial Areas of Emergency Preparedness?

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Disasters disrupt thousands of lives every year, leaving behind lasting effects on people and property. After a disaster, many of our neighbors in the community may need help as well. Due to those needs, our first responders may be serving others and not able to get to you right away.

You and your family can take simple steps now to prepare for emergencies. When you do so, you take control—even in times of disaster uncertainties.

Many people are reluctant to prepare for disasters and emergencies because they don’t know how or even where to begin. But know this, the better you are prepared, the more you will increase your and your family’s ability to endure potential emergencies with confidence and well-being.

According to, people and families that plan for emergencies will:

• Help keep people safe

• Limit property damage

• Know what to do during and after a disaster

• Better manage their savings

• Support community preparedness

• Help their community get back up and running after a disaster.

Taking simple actions to protect against disaster helps you, your family, your community, and your country in important ways.

Be Ready Utah cites the following twelve areas of emergency preparedness, noting they may apply differently according to diverse conditions and situations:

1. First Aid

2. Water

3. Food

4. Cooking

5. Safety and Security

6. Hygiene and Sanitation

7. Shelter, Clothing, and Fire

8. Communications

9. Tools and Personal Items

10.Light and Power

11.Transportation and Navigation

12.Important Documents & Money.

To learn more in detail, visit Be Ready Utah’s website by scanning the QR Code the and click on each of the twelve buttons. Remember to consider in your disaster planning the needs of children, the elderly, and those with disabilities or medical needs.

The most important thing is to take action now. It doesn’t matter what you know if you don’t take the necessary steps to implement your knowledge. After all, what good is the information in a book that you haven’t opened?

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Disasters disrupt thousands of lives every year, leaving behind lasting effects on people and property. After a disaster, many of our neighbors in the community may need help as well. Due to those needs, our first responders may be serving others and not able to get to you right away.

You and your family can take simple steps now to prepare for emergencies. When you do so, you take control—even in times of disaster uncertainties.

Many people are reluctant to prepare for disasters and emergencies because they don’t know how or even where to begin. But know this, the better you are prepared, the more you will increase your and your family’s ability to endure potential emergencies with confidence and well-being.

According to, people and families that plan for emergencies will:

• Help keep people safe

• Limit property damage

• Know what to do during and after a disaster

• Better manage their savings

• Support community preparedness

• Help their community get back up and running after a disaster.

Taking simple actions to protect against disaster helps you, your family, your community, and your country in important ways.

Be Ready Utah cites the following twelve areas of emergency preparedness, noting they may apply differently according to diverse conditions and situations:

1. First Aid

2. Water

3. Food

4. Cooking

5. Safety and Security

6. Hygiene and Sanitation

7. Shelter, Clothing, and Fire

8. Communications

9. Tools and Personal Items

10.Light and Power

11.Transportation and Navigation

12.Important Documents & Money.

To learn more in detail, visit Be Ready Utah’s website by scanning the QR Code the and click on each of the twelve buttons. Remember to consider in your disaster planning the needs of children, the elderly, and those with disabilities or medical needs.

The most important thing is to take action now. It doesn’t matter what you know if you don’t take the necessary steps to implement your knowledge. After all, what good is the information in a book that you haven’t opened?

Kevin Jennings
Kevin Jennings
Husband to one - Dad to six - Grandpa to five - Friend and Neighbor to all.

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