Megan Madison Ruff (formerly known as Megan Maureen Hammond, Megan Bird, and Megan Judkins) was born on June 16, 1976 to Wanda Ritch and Daniel Hammond. She grew up in Los Gatos, California, and Mapleton, Utah. Megan was 11 years old when she moved to Mapleton, Utah and became a part of the Ruff family. Megan died by suicide on October 28, 2023, in Kent, Washington.
We believe that even though Megan’s death brought her relief from her physical and mental pain, this relief was likely overshadowed by regret about the circumstances surrounding her death. We take comfort in the hope that she is being helped on the other side of the veil by those who love her and have an interest in her progress in the eternities. We know death is not the end and believe God looks upon Megan’s life in its entirety with a depth of compassion that we cannot comprehend. We trust all can be made right, eventually.
We invite all who would like to join us in remembering good times with Megan to a memorial service for her on November 20, 2023, at 11am at 4416 Stafford Court, Provo, Utah 84604.
Megan’s History:
Megan’s life wasn’t easy. She had many good years; however, in the last six or seven years, Megan’s life was complicated by physical and mental pain. Near the very end of her life, Megan had trouble discerning between those who were helping and those who wished her harm. We have reason to believe she has more clarity now. We sincerely thank all who reached out to help her in any way. Please know that your help made a difference to Megan and was meaningful to her family.
When Megan was 11 years old, and her parents were no longer able to care for her, she and her brother Brendan came to live with Howard and Kay Ruff, who later adopted her. Megan came to the Ruff family with lots of energy, a love for animals, a sense of adventure, and a keen mind. She quickly became the source of fun and practical jokes for her new little sister, Terri Lynn, and a small army of nieces and nephews. Megan graduated from Springville High School in 1995.
Megan quickly made friends in Mapleton, some of whom remained dear friends her entire life. We are grateful for them and the love and support they gave her. They traveled to Washington to help with her wedding, stayed in touch, read the world’s longest texts, and never stopped loving her.
Megan had an amazing gift of communicating with animals, which helped her know what dogs were feeling and what they needed. Her first dog, Matty, showed up, covered in dirt and manure and terribly matted, to a family wedding. Megan knew instantly this dog would become a fine pet. Sure enough, they immediately bonded, he learned tricks, and was beloved by the family for years. This pattern continued as Megan loved Kashmir I, Bindi, Coco, Kashmir II, and Mia. Megan also had other animals throughout her life.
Megan helped other people with their dogs and was known as “the dog lady.” One day, however, she got asked to help someone with their cat. Megan did not know if she could help a cat, but she went to help anyway. When she arrived, the cat’s owner was distraught because her beloved animal had a terminal illness and had recently become very agitated. All the owner wanted was to make the cat comfortable during his last days. Megan entered the house, went over to pet the cat and immediately knew the problem. She looked at the owner and said, “He’s upset that you changed things around. He wants you to put his bed back.” The owner was stunned and quickly moved the cat’s bed back to its original location. Megan and a very grateful owner watched the cat settle down in the bed.
Megan could be a fierce advocate for anyone who had been wronged or was disadvantaged. If you had a bully, there was no one better on your side. She often gave her money and her time to right a wrong or bring hope and comfort to someone who needed it. She saved her sister Debbie’s life, and the life of her unborn nephew, when she refused to leave the hospital, even though visiting hours were over and the nurses came in repeatedly asking her to leave. As a result, she was the only one present in the room when Debbie, who had no monitors attached, had a grand mal seizure, and stopped breathing. Megan held her on the bed, screamed for help, and is the reason her sister was revived and gave birth to a healthy baby boy. She made several trips to California to advocate for and care for Brian, her brother, who was disabled. She often knew just what people needed.
Megan was a thoughtful gift-giver. She could pick out the perfect piece of jewelry, the perfect restaurant, the perfect song, or the perfect pet.
Megan loved to travel, spent time in Argentina, and was fluent in Spanish. Megan and Steve lived in Cancun, Mexico at one point. Megan loved the outdoors. She was charming and quick-witted. She could talk about anything and had friends all over the world.
We are grateful to all the friends, neighbors, and care-givers who tried to comfort Megan and ease her pain. We are grateful to Megan’s ex-husband, Steve Judkins, who was her care-giver during the last several years of their marriage. We are grateful to Megan’s biological family, who she gravitated to in her adult years, and who helped her extensively when she moved to Washington, particularly her sister, Linda, and Linda’s children.
Megan was preceded in death by her biological father, Daniel Hammond, her adoptive father, Howard Ruff, her biological brother Brian Hammond-Ritch, and her adoptive brother, Ivan Ruff. Megan is survived by Mia (her beloved boxer); her biological family: Wanda Ritch (mother); siblings: Linda (and Gerald) Carruthers, Stuart (and Sheridan) Hammond, Martha (and Brian) Jackson, Melissa, Kathlynn (and Mark) Knight, D. Brendan Hammond, and 15 nieces and nephews; her adoptive family: Kay Ruff (mother); siblings: Larry (and Jennifer) Ruff, Eric (and Janine) Ruff, David (and Deon) Ruff, Pam (and Rick) Patterson, Sharon (and Greg) Slater, Anthony (and Kellie) Ramon, Patty (and Andy) Simpson, David (and Cathi) Steinberg, Liza Spencer, Timothy (and Brooke) Ruff, Deb (and Lars) Rasmussen, Terri Lynn (and Kaleigh) Bond, and 76 nieces and nephews.