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‘Tis the season for weather that is too cold to actually enjoy yourself without multiple, unflattering layers of clothes. Let’s not forget the part of the season when Hallmark and Lifetime Channels get into a competition to see how many big city girls they can make fall in love before the bell tolls midnight on New Year’s leaving their corporate boyfriend’s hearts in pieces on the dirty city streets.
So what can you do when you don’t feel like frolicking in powdered ice and your binge watching sweats need a break? Look no further than Angelus Theatre in Spanish Fork.
This season, the Angelus has several great performances already lined up to spice up your winter and introduce you to some fabulous talent while you’re at it. Returning for its third run at Angelus Theatre, Stephen Gashler’s “A Krampus Karol,” is a unique comedy musical with a dash of suspense to set it apart from your typical holiday production. It is a fun experience that the whole family will enjoy. The production dates are Dec. 11, 14-16, 18-23 from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online or at the door.
Another family fun event happening this season is An Elven Christmas. This event is free to the public and is especially geared toward children, though it is fun for all ages! It includes a heartwarming story about an elf finding the spirit of Christmas, making Christmas cards and taking photos with Santa and his elves. Facepainting and hot cocoa and cider are available for purchase at this event. Come check out this fun filled event that is sure to brighten your holiday season. While this event is free, tickets are still required and can be reserved online or at the door. An Elven Christmas runs on Dec. 9 and 16 from 5-6p.m.
In addition to hosting performances of all kinds, Angelus Theatre offers several youth performing classes. These classes are designed to help children interested in theater learn more about drama and acting and improve their confidence both on and off the stage. For more information about their youth theater programs, please visit their website. https://angelustheatre.com/
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‘Tis the season for weather that is too cold to actually enjoy yourself without multiple, unflattering layers of clothes. Let’s not forget the part of the season when Hallmark and Lifetime Channels get into a competition to see how many big city girls they can make fall in love before the bell tolls midnight on New Year’s leaving their corporate boyfriend’s hearts in pieces on the dirty city streets.
So what can you do when you don’t feel like frolicking in powdered ice and your binge watching sweats need a break? Look no further than Angelus Theatre in Spanish Fork.
This season, the Angelus has several great performances already lined up to spice up your winter and introduce you to some fabulous talent while you’re at it. Returning for its third run at Angelus Theatre, Stephen Gashler’s “A Krampus Karol,” is a unique comedy musical with a dash of suspense to set it apart from your typical holiday production. It is a fun experience that the whole family will enjoy. The production dates are Dec. 11, 14-16, 18-23 from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online or at the door.
Another family fun event happening this season is An Elven Christmas. This event is free to the public and is especially geared toward children, though it is fun for all ages! It includes a heartwarming story about an elf finding the spirit of Christmas, making Christmas cards and taking photos with Santa and his elves. Facepainting and hot cocoa and cider are available for purchase at this event. Come check out this fun filled event that is sure to brighten your holiday season. While this event is free, tickets are still required and can be reserved online or at the door. An Elven Christmas runs on Dec. 9 and 16 from 5-6p.m.
In addition to hosting performances of all kinds, Angelus Theatre offers several youth performing classes. These classes are designed to help children interested in theater learn more about drama and acting and improve their confidence both on and off the stage. For more information about their youth theater programs, please visit their website. https://angelustheatre.com/