Good People, I know you’re there

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Jack Johnson sings a song, “Good People,” with the line “Where’d all the good people go?” Jack pines for the good news and TV programming of yesterday. It’s a catchy tune, but it leads you to think that the good days are gone. 

Do you remember the Bruce Willis movie “Sixth Sense?” The child psychologist who is tormented by the experience of a client that he wasn’t able to help, focuses on a boy having similar difficulties. And then that boy utters the line from the movie that catches our attention, “I see dead people.” From that point on in the movie, you’re wondering which of the people in the movie are dead people. 

This week, I’ve had a vaguely similar experience. I noticed people in business and people in the community who were going above and beyond to help someone. It caused me to utter, “I see good people.” I started looking at all the places where people who need help with various things went to get help. Businesses come to mind because when I am in need of groceries, gas for the car, dry cleaning, a hospital, and hundreds of other needs, a business can be found that wants to help. In some of those businesses you find the people who go above and beyond the standard level of help.

I saw it at an auto repair shop that had people in line for service. Some needed more frugal options, and the owner was good to look at to see what he had available to help them out. At an auto parts store, I was engaged by employees that were not only helpful, but gracious to boot! I’m telling ya, I see good people. 

They are not only in business, but in your neighborhood as well. When a person has a health concern, car trouble on the highway, or the water heater goes out, neighbors check in and some go above and beyond the standard level of concern by shopping, giving them a hand with a repair, or giving them a ride to work or the doctor’s office.

I visited a friend and neighbor who’s been recovering after some serious medical issues. She told me about some people who have given her rides when she needed, and taken care of her property. Here, too, I see good people.

Years ago, there was a forest fire that burned a lot of the trees off the nearby mountains in Santaquin. The spring following the fire, the rains came and caused flooding and some landslides. A call went out to help the residents whose homes were affected up in the bench area. There were several bus loads of people who went up with shovels and brooms to dig and clean up those homes. I would include the police, firefighters, EMTs, and volunteers who contributed in many ways during this disaster. 

This ties in with something that one of my childhood influences had to say about troubled times. Mr. Rogers said, “My mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of disaster, I remember my mother’s words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers — so many caring people in this world.”  Amen, to that. There are many caring people in this world.

Good people give on three levels; their own time, their effort, and their attention.  My hat is off to all you good people. Most of the time, few people are aware of your help, but the difference it makes in the community cannot be overstated. You are the reason the world is such a nice place. I see good people.

By William Boardman

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Jack Johnson sings a song, “Good People,” with the line “Where’d all the good people go?” Jack pines for the good news and TV programming of yesterday. It’s a catchy tune, but it leads you to think that the good days are gone. 

Do you remember the Bruce Willis movie “Sixth Sense?” The child psychologist who is tormented by the experience of a client that he wasn’t able to help, focuses on a boy having similar difficulties. And then that boy utters the line from the movie that catches our attention, “I see dead people.” From that point on in the movie, you’re wondering which of the people in the movie are dead people. 

This week, I’ve had a vaguely similar experience. I noticed people in business and people in the community who were going above and beyond to help someone. It caused me to utter, “I see good people.” I started looking at all the places where people who need help with various things went to get help. Businesses come to mind because when I am in need of groceries, gas for the car, dry cleaning, a hospital, and hundreds of other needs, a business can be found that wants to help. In some of those businesses you find the people who go above and beyond the standard level of help.

I saw it at an auto repair shop that had people in line for service. Some needed more frugal options, and the owner was good to look at to see what he had available to help them out. At an auto parts store, I was engaged by employees that were not only helpful, but gracious to boot! I’m telling ya, I see good people. 

They are not only in business, but in your neighborhood as well. When a person has a health concern, car trouble on the highway, or the water heater goes out, neighbors check in and some go above and beyond the standard level of concern by shopping, giving them a hand with a repair, or giving them a ride to work or the doctor’s office.

I visited a friend and neighbor who’s been recovering after some serious medical issues. She told me about some people who have given her rides when she needed, and taken care of her property. Here, too, I see good people.

Years ago, there was a forest fire that burned a lot of the trees off the nearby mountains in Santaquin. The spring following the fire, the rains came and caused flooding and some landslides. A call went out to help the residents whose homes were affected up in the bench area. There were several bus loads of people who went up with shovels and brooms to dig and clean up those homes. I would include the police, firefighters, EMTs, and volunteers who contributed in many ways during this disaster. 

This ties in with something that one of my childhood influences had to say about troubled times. Mr. Rogers said, “My mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of disaster, I remember my mother’s words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers — so many caring people in this world.”  Amen, to that. There are many caring people in this world.

Good people give on three levels; their own time, their effort, and their attention.  My hat is off to all you good people. Most of the time, few people are aware of your help, but the difference it makes in the community cannot be overstated. You are the reason the world is such a nice place. I see good people.

By William Boardman

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