Author speaks at Mt. Nebo Chapter of the Sons of Utah Pioneers Meeting

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The Mt. Nebo Chapter of the Sons of Utah Pioneers had a dinnerbrmeeting with their wives and guests on June 27.


They enjoyed a great catered meal and listened to a presentationbron the early history of Payson. Our members had noted that L. Dee Stevenson hadbrbeen posting pictures and articles in the Payson Chronicle titled “PicturesbrTell the Payson Story” for a long time, so we contacted him to see if he wouldbrspeak to us.


Stevenson has been a member of the Payson Historical Society for abrlong time and loves to talk about the history of this town in southern UtahbrCounty. He has also recently published “The Payson Story in Words andbrPictures.”


The book contains a huge pictorial collection of early Paysonbrbusinesses and homes, along with associated dialogue explaining the history.brMany of the Chapter members purchased this book. His presentation covered thebrfirst three families that settled Payson, then covered information on otherbrfamilies that followed later.


Some of the early businesses were also discussed. Stevenson is abrstorehouse of knowledge about Payson, and he kept the audience spellbound forbrthe entire time. Many of the SUP Chapter Members had ties to the people hebrtalked about, and that made it even more interesting.


The Mt. Nebo Chapter of the Sons of Utah Pioneers and their wivesbrmeet monthly for these dinner meetings and guest speakers. They also have two orbrthree, one-day treks each year that usually cover something about pioneerbrhistory.


Anyone interested in joining our small group can call Dan Howlettbrfor more information at 801-361-0108. It is a fun group that loves to honorbrtheir pioneer ancestors. (Submitted to Serve Daily by Elk Ridge.)

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The Mt. Nebo Chapter of the Sons of Utah Pioneers had a dinnerbrmeeting with their wives and guests on June 27.


They enjoyed a great catered meal and listened to a presentationbron the early history of Payson. Our members had noted that L. Dee Stevenson hadbrbeen posting pictures and articles in the Payson Chronicle titled “PicturesbrTell the Payson Story” for a long time, so we contacted him to see if he wouldbrspeak to us.


Stevenson has been a member of the Payson Historical Society for abrlong time and loves to talk about the history of this town in southern UtahbrCounty. He has also recently published “The Payson Story in Words andbrPictures.”


The book contains a huge pictorial collection of early Paysonbrbusinesses and homes, along with associated dialogue explaining the history.brMany of the Chapter members purchased this book. His presentation covered thebrfirst three families that settled Payson, then covered information on otherbrfamilies that followed later.


Some of the early businesses were also discussed. Stevenson is abrstorehouse of knowledge about Payson, and he kept the audience spellbound forbrthe entire time. Many of the SUP Chapter Members had ties to the people hebrtalked about, and that made it even more interesting.


The Mt. Nebo Chapter of the Sons of Utah Pioneers and their wivesbrmeet monthly for these dinner meetings and guest speakers. They also have two orbrthree, one-day treks each year that usually cover something about pioneerbrhistory.


Anyone interested in joining our small group can call Dan Howlettbrfor more information at 801-361-0108. It is a fun group that loves to honorbrtheir pioneer ancestors. (Submitted to Serve Daily by Elk Ridge.)

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