Writer’s Retreat…at the Car Dealership
I'm a writer. I like to write. I like having a nice, quiet place to write.I'm a dad. I like being a dad. I...
The Do’s and Don’ts of Being a Soccer Parent
We signed our kids up for the city soccer league, and they are really enjoying it. And we, as soccer parents, have learned that...
It Took Me 40 Years to Hike to the Y
I first moved to Utah County forty years ago. I was a skinny, fresh-faced* kid, coming from Idaho to start my freshman year at...
Aspen Roots
Having strong roots is important in life, and it is aptly illustrated in this photo taken on a nearby mountain road. Aspen trees grow as a colony - young and old trees - from a common root system
Getting Ready for Summer Vacation
One of the best things about having the kids off for summer vacation is...going on an actual summer vacation!So many great memories can be...
Who Touched My Gas Station Hot Dog?
Every time you go inside at the gas station you see them. They are rotating in their display case. They’ve been cooked (probably), or...
Have I Become My Mother?
I love my mother. She’s a wonderful woman. She brought me into the world. She taught me not to talk with my mouth full,...
7 Tips On How To Stop Constant Worrying In Your Life
Do you find yourself worrying about everything that is going on around you?It can be very tiring and depressing to constantly worry about your...
13 Reasons Why America Is Great
Some people want to “make America great again.” Sounds good, but I think there are lots and lots of reasons why America is ALREADY...
I Just Want to Wash My Hair
I’m a guy. I’m not bald. (Yet.) And so, occasionally, I wash my hair. This USED to be a fairly simple process: 1) go...